How To Redirect WordPress Feeds To Feedburner Using .htaccess?
July 29th, 2016 | by Ravi Chahar || Leave a comment |
In my previous post, I have provided the guide to set up Feedburner. Now is the time to show you how to redirect Feedburner feed. You may be thinking why would you need that? The point is that you can’t have the feeds for your WordPress site until you redirect WordPress feeds to Feedburner.
After setting up the feeds using the Feedburner, you have to make sure that the creation of the redirection should be completed. It’s very important for the attachment of the feeds to your WordPress site.
Redirect Feedburner Within One Minute.
You may have read a lot about the file named the .htaccess. It’s a very important file in your WordPress directory which handles many aspects of your website. You can add many codes to secure your website using this file. You can check whether your website has been hacked or not.
But here, you have to add the code to for the redirection of the feeds from the WordPress to the Feedburner. You can do it using the plugin named FD Feedburner.
If you don’t want to use any plugin then the .htaccess file is there for you. You have to add the simple code of a few lines and the redirection would be finished. To redirect Feedburner feed, you should know how to edit the .htaccess file.
Use The .htaccess File To Redirect WordPress Feeds To Feedburner.
I am going to provide the code here. You just have to copy and paste it in the .htaccess file. Let me show you the steps to add the code.
Step 1:- Login your cPanel and open the file manager from the files section.
Step 2:- Find the .htaccess file and right-click on that file to choose the edit option.
Step 3:- Place the code shown below in the file and click on the save button.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond ^feed/? ( [_0-9a-z-] ) ?/?$ [R=302,NC,L]
Now, you have successfully redirected the feeds to the Feedburner.
NOTE:- After copying the code, you have to edit it. In place of the URL shown above, you have to add the URL of the feed of your website. The URL you have added while creating the feeds. Just replace the “website” with the name of your feed.
Are You Happy To Redirect Feedburner?
Though there are many alternatives of the Feedburner but still, people prefer to use it. It is the free service to use for your website. The step to redirect WordPress feeds to Feedburner is crucial. You must complete it carefully.
If you add any other code then it may affect your website because the .htaccess file has many tasks to do for your website. Though you can create a new .htaccess file but still, it’s better to take precautions. If you still face any problem then I am here for you.