Know WordPress Version

Can I Know WordPress Version Running For My Website?

Sometimes the WordPress users keep wondering about the WordPress version on which their website is running. They try to figure out from their admin panel or using any extension. Do you know how to check WordPress version without login? Sometimes the users need to know about the version they are using.

A few days back, I have submitted a topic in the WordPress forum where I had to fill the WordPress version I was using on my website. You too may be in need to know it someday. Let me show you the trick to find it out.

How To Check WordPress Version from The Admin panel?

While using a WordPress CMS, you will always find the written version shown below. Maybe you haven’t noticed it. Just login to your WordPress admin panel.

On the dashboard, scroll down and you will see the WordPress version. It’s the simplest task to do. People don’t even keep their eye on these things. If you have any older version then it will show to get latest version instead of showing the old one.

You can know the version of the WordPress on which your website is running on the front page only. You don’t need to jump up anywhere.

How To Check WordPress Version Without Login?

What if you can’t able to log in your wp-admin panel or the page keep refreshing again and again? Well, there is another way using which you can find the WordPress version.

Just open your website and right click anywhere on the site. Choose the “view page source” option and a new page will open in the new tab.

The page will contain the source code of your website’s page. You have to search for the “generator” tag from the source code.

Just use “ctrl+F” and write “generator” in the search box. You will see a meta tag in which your WordPress version will be shown.

<meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 4.6″ />

There are some browser extensions which can help you to find the version of WordPress on which your website is running. Some plugins are paid and a few are free.

But if you can find it out without any extension then what’s the need to use any.

Can You Now Check The WordPress Version For Your Website?

Though the best way to find out the WordPress version from your admin panel. But in case, you couldn’t see it from there then the option of using the source code is available. There is nothing more to do.

Just fill the tag name you will see the WordPress version in the source code. If you still can’t able to find it out then using the browser extensions would be an option.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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