How To Import And Export WordPress Users Properly
April 13th, 2017 | by Ravi Chahar || 3 Comments |
If you’re thinking about merging two websites then you would need to import and export WordPress users from one website to another.
Many people are inheriting WordPress websites and using their users’ information to their other website. They merge the content written by users of an older website to the new one.
Though you can create new users manually and publish the content again but it can be overwhelming.
In this tutorial, you will learn the easiest way to import and export WordPress users the right way.
When Would You Need To Import And Export Users In WordPress
Many WordPress users try to consolidate their websites by adding more content which was published on an older website.
It can be a great idea if you purchase that website and merge the users.
In membership websites, you can find it normal because not everyone decides to add more users from starting. You would need a CSV file.
That file will consist all the user details.
Exporting WordPress Users From Your Website
This is not new that you require a WordPress plugin for such things.
Install and activate Cimy user Manager plugin and go to User>>Cimpy User Manager to see its configuration.
Scroll down and you will see a few options for exporting the existing users on your website.
You will see the upload path where the CSV file you create will get stored. The path will vary to your website’s data storage place.
Many people use it for a sub-domain or having the website in a different folder.
You just need to check as the path is created and writable.
The choice of separating your CSV file fields will be given. It will separate each field with a comma. Just below it, you will see another option.
If you are thinking about using this CSV file anywhere else than WordPress only then you can change it otherwise no need.
The data of WordPress users can be stored according to the option given in the drop-down menu.
I would recommend to keeping everything as it is. The default settings always work at its best. Click on “Export” button and you will see a message confirming the file generation.
Use “Download Export File” button and the file will start downloading. Save it somewhere safe in your computer.
You have successfully exported the WordPress users from your one website.
Importing Users To Another Website
You have to follow the same procedure. Install and activate the same plugin to your website and navigate to Users>>Cimy User Manager page.
The first option is to import WordPress users. Click on the “Choose File” and select it from your computer.
You don’t need to change anything expect depending on your choice, you can create the new users using this plugin only.
If you do then tick the checkbox. You can also select to send an email to all the existing users with the new password.
Though only the creation of new users is enough. It’s the matter of choice.
Click on the “Import” button and within a few seconds, you will see a confirmation message above on this page just like you saw for export file generation.
The best thing about this plugin is that it will fill all the details of the users you just imported. To save the manual efforts, this plugin is used.
All the new users will receive a message with a new password. They can log into the website and change the password for security reasons.
Isn’t That Easy To Import And Export WordPress Users
These type of tasks can be brainstorming because of the different website issues. People need to be more careful with such technical stuff.
While exporting, you don’t need to do any setting, just use the default settings. But while importing you can choose some extra options.
There are many things to do when you inherit a WordPress website. Are you going to merge two websites?
Do you want to use this CSV file to run an offline project? Can you now import and export WordPress users? If you still have any doubt, feel free to drop a comment.
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Hi Ravi
You explained each step in a simple way that anyone can understand easily.
The best option to resolve every technical option may not be plugin especially if the task is heavier but for this kind of tasks a plugin can work better and also good for those who do not know coding much.
It’s a big issue to merge users of two websites and especially in an era of consolidation where people are merging there different blogs into one this is quite pertinent for them.
Many thanks for sharing.
Hey Muba,
People rely on the WordPress plugins which are basically their saviors but sometimes it may not be the right choice. During the merging process, it’s important to import and export the users so that you don’t lose your old guest bloggers.
This plugin can help you.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Ravi,
I have never merged users from one WordPress site to another. You’ve definitely made this easy to understand and I am sure that it will help someone who is merging their WordPress blog.
It’s pretty amazing that there are plugins for practically anything you want to do with WordPress. I’ve never heard of the Cimy User Manager.
Again, you’ve opened my eyes to another WordPress plugin. If I ever need to merge users, you can bet I’ll be using that plugin to help me get the job done.
Thanks for sharing this tutorial with us.
Have a great day ?