How To Delete WordPress

How To Delete WordPress From Your Website Using cPanel?

There is no doubt that WordPress is a unique and effective platform to use for its users. There are millions of website running on this platform. But have you ever thought that you may need to remove WordPress from website? Do you even know how to delete WordPress?

In some circumstances when your website gets hacked then you have to delete WordPress from cPanel of your web hosting. You may think how would you do that. Well, while handling a website, you may face many problems. You should know each and every detail about WordPress and its fixes.

You Can Delete WordPress From cPanel:

One of our readers asked about the fixes after a website hack. There are many things to do for the security of your website. You should always try to generate the strong password and don’t keep the same password for all the accounts. Keep changing it on the regular interval of time.

When it comes to delete WordPress from cPanel then you shouldn’t be afraid of it. There are some simple steps to follow and your WordPress will not be showing on your website. It’s always recommended that you should backup your website and the database together or you can backup the database separately. Let me give you the round:-

Step 1:- The first thing is to log in your web hosting account and then go to the cPanel.

Step 2:- Search for the “files” section as always because all the files and folders are stored in the file directory of your website. Click on the “file manager” option and a new tab will open for you.

Step 3:- Make sure that you have opened the “web root directory” or we say it “public_html”. You can see it on the left-hand-side column.

Step 4:- Select all the files and folders present in the root directory and click on the “delete” option present in the upper row of full of options. It’s important to keep in your mind that if you are hosting multiple websites on the same hosting account then you should “unselect” the folders of that website.

This is one of the biggest mistakes people can make. If you select all the folders and files including your addon domain or your another website then the whole data of all the websites will get deleted.

I am sure you won’t delete WordPress from cPanel for all of your websites. This is a tough decision to take. Some people quit blogging and decide to delete their website for which they delete the WordPress platform.

In some cases, people decide to delete WordPress from cPanel just to re-install it later. It may be decided by taking the matter of security in concern. Sometimes people aren’t able to login to their WordPress admin panel so they decide to remove WordPress from cPanel.

Did You Ever Think To Remove WordPress From Website?

I know it’s a kind of hard to hear that someone is going to delete WordPress from cPanel of their web host. Well, blogging isn’t so easy and running an online business with the help of WordPress platform is quite fascinating. But there are many aspects of WordPress you should know.

Did you know how to delete WordPress from your website? Don’t fret about anything technical. As I have described above, you just have to follow the steps and the WordPress will get removed from your cPanel.

It’s done at last when you have any problem with your website and can’t even stay on the WordPress admin panel. At that time you must take this final step to erase the whole data from your cPanel. If you still face any problem while deleting WordPress then I am here to help you.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    What’s so exciting about you is the fact that you write about rare topics. I never thought writing about deleting wp from cpanel is something people will be interested in.

    You just proved me wrong body

    Hope the weekend is going good

    1. Hey Enstine,

      I am glad to hear that.

      You know people use WordPress but they don’t even think about it in all the possible ways. They just write the blog posts and craft their blog to improve the ranking. WordPress is a vast platform to know about.

      In the count of WordPress security, you may in need to delete the WordPress. You never know the future. So knowing about every program and the actions is important.

      Thanks for being here.

      I am having fun. Hope you too have the same.:)


  2. Hi Ravi,

    I tried this tutorial to delete one of my wordpress site from cpanel but it didn’t worked. All the files are still there after refreshing the page.

    I deleted the wp files from file manager but after refreshing the page I am still able to see all those files.

    Can you tell me what’s wrong with it?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Kuldeep,

      There are many reasons for the appearance of your deleted files again on the server. Try to set the file permission at 755. This may occur because you have other websites and an email account which have the file in the files you are trying to delete.

      Even after changing the permissions and shifted the files connected with any of your present accounts then you should contact to your web hosting support.

      Thanks for dropping your thoughts.

      Have a nice day.


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