How To Add An Image In WordPress Sidebar Without Plugin

How To Add An Image In WordPress Sidebar Without Plugin?

While writing a blog post, you may need to embed many images. But do you know how to add an image in WordPress sidebar? I have noticed many newbies who try to find it out. You may have noticed that in WordPress there is no box to add an image in the sidebar.

There are many text boxes. In this post, I am going to tell you how to use those text boxes to add an image in the sidebar. There are some simple steps to follow.

Add An Image In The Sidebar Manually:

There are many plugins using which you can add an image. Image widget, simple image widget and many more. But here I am going to show you how can you add an image manually using just one HTML code. Using the simple text box, you can add many images to WordPress sidebar whenever you want.

I am going to show you how to do that?

Step 1:- As you know that you can upload an image in the WordPress library using “add new” option. But still make sure that you go to Media>>Add New. A new page will appear in front of you. In this page, you will see an option in the middle “select files”. You just need to click to that option and you can browse from your computer.

Step 2:- After that you will see that image will get uploaded and an option below that will be shown to you. Just click to “edit” option.

Step 3:- WordPress will be showing your image and some information with it in the sidebar. You just have to copy the file URL. You can copy that URL by simply going to the library after upload and opening that image. All other details consisting title, caption, alt text will be shown to you with the image.

Step 4:- Now it’s time to do some techie stuff. Go to Appearance>>Widgets from the left sidebar of your WordPress. you will easily see the option “available widgets” from which you have to pick one “text box”. Just pick that text box and put it in the “sidebar widgets”. You can adjust the position of the image here.

After putting the text box click to that text box and you will see some blank fields to fill like title and content. In the title, you can write anything you want to show to your readers above the image. Next thing and the most important thing is to write an HTML code in the content section.

<img scr=”FILE URL” alt=”name”></img>

Here your code will look like

<img scr=”” alt”chocolate cake”></img>

You have to paste the file URL you have copied earlier. I have added a URL. The URL of your file will be different. After adding this code, you have to click to “save” button and your image will successfully be added in the sidebar.

If the image you have added doesn’t appear in the WordPress sidebar then you have to adjust its dimensions according to your sidebar. I have experienced such type of problem. The only thing you have to pick up an image with the same width as of the sidebar of your website. If you don’t get such image then simply edit that image according to your requirements.

Wil You Prefer To Use A Sidebar Image Widget Or An HTML Code?

As I have mentioned above that you can add an image in the sidebar using a plugin and with a simple HTML code. Will you prefer to use a sidebar image widget plugin or a simple text box with a code? It is always suggested that you have to use minimum plugins at your WordPress website. So, I guess using an easy going text box will be favorable.

If you still want to use any plugin then you can use it for sure. They will work great. You don’t need to add any extra code with them. It’s the matter of choice whether you want to use a plugin or not. If you face any problem in adding an image then I am here to help you.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    You have come with an interesting topic, helpful for the newbies.

    I’m not using any plugin to add images at the sidebar but for the first time I came to know the way of including the pictures through codes.

    I always fear to play with the codes as I don’t have the coding skill.

    Thanks for your clear guide to add images at the sidebar, keep writing.

    1. Hi Nirmala,

      There is nothing to get scared about codes. I mean HTML is so easy to use. Adding an image in the WordPress sidebar is a heck sometimes. I have noticed many newbies try to do that, but they fail.

      Using a plugin is another option. But why to use a plugin if you can do that without it. You just have to attach the file you want to show in the text box section. Linking an image is done with a simple code.

      Thanks for your support.

      Have a lovely day.


  2. Hey Ravi,

    Great post! Adding images in the sidebar is used so often, good info.

    I created a guide that goes into a little bit more detail about using HTML within WordPress.

    Some might find it helpful!


    1. Hey Chris,

      There are many people who try to add an image in the sidebar. As you have mentioned that it is so often to do that. I have gone through your post. You have described all the basics of HTML.

      I am sure people are going to like it.

      Thanks for your visit.


      1. Thanks! I work with HTML all the time as a web designer, I sometimes forget people don’t know it! That is why I made the guide, to share the knowledge. Thanks for checking it out.

        You have a great site going here, I can not wait for your next post.


        1. My Pleasure.:)

          You know most of the people in the blogosphere just write their blog posts. Apart from that, they don’t really take care of their blog. They hire people to do that.

          Website design is one of the most important things to look upon. And HTML is the basic language for web designing. No one can neglect it. I have designed my website using HTML, CSS and some other languages.

          Thanks for stopping by to discuss.

          Have a lovely day ahead.


  3. Hello,

    Thank You. You shared a great tips for beginners. Even a professional can take advantage of it. In my point of view, every blogger should spend some quality time to learn some basic HTML.

    If you maintain a website, then you need some coding any time to create your advertisements, sidebar image linking, normal linking and for your hot offer.

    Again thanks for your tips.

    1. Hi Taposh,

      Welcome to my blog.

      There are many uses of HTML in web designing. Most of the time you will in need to put some HTML code to add something at your website. Adding an image in the sidebar is just the simplest thing you can do.

      Coding is very important to handle your website. If you want to add any banner then advertisers will provide a code. But if you don’t know some coding then you can’t modify it according to your website space.

      Thanks a lot for stopping by.

      Have a great weekend.:)


  4. Hi Ravi,

    What a great idea for a blog post tutorial.

    How to do this is fairly simple — if you know how to do it! But if not, it can be super confusing.

    Topics like these — that offer one solution to one person — tend to be great for building your audience and engagement. Nice job!

    And Just a heads up that I’ll be on the road until the second week of November — wanted to let you know, so if you don’t see me poking around your blog as often as usual, you’ll know why. Thanks a ton!


    1. Hey Brent,

      I am happy to see you here.:)

      You are right. If you know the simple path to do any difficult task then it will be done within few minutes. But if you don’t know then it would be hard to complete the task.

      I have experienced it a lot. Every blogger face it in his/her starting days. Adding an image in the sidebar is so easy. But what if you don’t know how to do it? There would be the pain in the head.

      I have tried to explain it simple as I could. I hope there will not be any difficulty for any user to understand it.

      Thanks for showing up.

      Enjoy your break.


  5. Hi Ravi,

    Really good stuff and I only learned this trick a short while back. It’s amazing what a little bit of tinkering can do for you, right? I go sidebar image heavy too; gotta upload those selfies from paradise.


    1. Hey Ryan,

      These kinds of little things can change a lot. If you look up on the design of any website then adding images is one of the decorating parts. I have noticed many newbies work so hard to add a banner. But they fail due to lack of knowledge.

      Adding an image is a simple thing to do. Newbies should know the perfect approach towards their work.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    Definitely a very helpful article.

    Yes, i was looking for this to do without plugin for one of my blog and lastly founded solution from your post.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this informative article with us.

    1. Hey Minhaj,

      I am glad that I could help you with this topic.

      Adding an image in the sidebar is an easy task and you can fo it just by following the above mentioned steps.

      Thanks for visiting.

      Have a nice day.


  7. Hi bro,

    I have an extensive knowledge in html and php. While I find this quite straight forward, I think it’s very useful for many.

    thanks for publishing it. hope you are having a wonderful week

    1. Hi Enstine,

      I am glad to see you here after so many days.

      Yeah! I know about your skills.

      You are the developer man. You have developed plugins. No one can doubt at your skills of PHP and HTML.

      Though using HTML is so easy but I have noticed that people get scared when we talk about coding. Adding an image is not a big deal. It takes one minute to do that.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your week ahead.:)


  8. Very helpful post, thanks for sharing this tip. Personally, I don’t like installing too much plugins to my wordpress blogs, so the way of adding pictures you suggested is the best for me – it’s so simple.

    1. Hey Julia,

      We all have our own way of handling our websites. Many bloggers use plugins to do simple things. Few are there who avoid more plugins at their blog. I mean what’s the need of a plugin if you can it without it?

      It’s good to know that you too prefer to add few plugins. Adding an image in the sidebar is the game of just one single code.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great weekend.:)


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