How To Create Temporary Login For WordPress Without Password
April 16th, 2017 | by Ravi Chahar || 4 Comments |
You may hire a web designer or anyone to do a few changes to your website. Have you ever thought to create temporary login for WordPress without password so that an account automatically expires?
Many WordPress users freak out when they see any error on their website and they hire someone to fix those issues.
What do you do at that time? Do you add a new user and set the privileges using a plugin or give the full access to your WordPres admin panel?
In this tutorial, you will learn the way to create temporary login for WordPress without password.
When Do You Need To Create a Temporary Account
When you start your blog, you require someone who can help you. Most of the WordPress users aren’t techie so they need a helping hand.
To have a perfect design, a web designer can help you who require the complete access to the admin area.
If you trust that person then you can give him your administrator account but what if you don’t. You can create a new user and block that user without deleting his account.
I hope you know how to add the new users in WordPress and how to change users’ role.
It’s never recommended to allow someone unknown to access your admin area. To avoid such risk, you can create a temporary account and set the time.
After the time expiration, it will automatically get expired. It would be safe for you.
Start Creating The Temporary Account For Your WordPress Blog
No wonder that WordPress plugins are your saviors. Install and activate Temporary Login For WordPress plugin.
Go to Users>>Temporary Logins and a new page will open for you.
You will see a “Create New” button. Click on that button and within an instant, you will see the space to fill the credentials for a new user.
Fill all the email address and choose the name you want. Selecting the last name isn’t necessary, it’s your choice.
The main thing is to set the user’s role. You’re creating this account for a temporary access so you shouldn’t set the role as an administrator.
You can set as an editor after knowing about all the user roles and which one is better for the work you want him to do.
Don’t forget to choose the time period of this account.
Click on “Submit” button and your account will get created.
Now you will see the temporary URL using which, your web designer can login to your admin panel.
If the work gets finished before the time then you can either disable this account or delete it completely. You can easily see the list of temporary accounts just below the URL.
You can also see the last logged in time. The best thing is that no password is required.
You have successfully created a temporary account to do some changes to your WordPress website. Feel free to share the URL.
Isn’t So Easy To Create Temporary Login For WordPress Without Password
Before you allow anyone else to enter in your WordPress admin panel, you should make sure he/she is trustworthy.
People are hiring from the freelance websites and getting ruined every day. You wouldn’t want to let it happen with you.
It’s always good to take some precautions and create temporary login for WordPress without password so that once the work is done, you delete that account.
Can you do that now? If you have any doubt, feel free to ask.
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Hi Ravi,
Interesting, I did not know about this. It will be useful for many.
Thank you for the informative post.
Truly thought provoking
First I was shocked if this would be secure to give someone access to the wordpress panel and that too without password. But glad to know that I can also track that user activity.
Thanks for sharing
Hey Vashishtha,
This plugin is used for security purpose so that you can control the users’ activity. You’re a techie guy and you may need this plugin so that your clients can trust you.
You can tell them to create an account for you so that you can solve their problem.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Ravi,
I had no clue that there was a plugin to create a temporary login for WordPress. I usually just create a regular user and then once the work is completed, I delete that user.
However, I really like the fact that you can see what time the user last logged into the site. Definitely helpful, to know what’s going on in the back end of the site.
I’ll have to use this the next time that I create a temporary login for anyone.
Thanks for sharing, have a great day ?