How to Add a Google Form in WordPress Posts and Pages
August 30th, 2017 | by Ravi Chahar || 5 Comments |
No doubt that people are using Google forms on the regular basis. It’s really easy to share the data through Google forms. Do you seek to know how to add a Google form in WordPress?
You may have also used it to collect the data for any survey or any blog post. Google forms are helpful and user-friendly.
Easy to access and creating an attractive form takes just a few minutes. You can modify the color combination and easily add the fields.
It’s a drag and drop system which can also be used to sign a contract through your clients.
Embed the Google Form in Your Blog Post
To do so, you have to follow a few steps.
Step 1: – First of all, visit Google Forms and either create a new form or choose any existing form.
Google features a few commonly used forms which can be used anytime. Like for an event invitation, to fill the contact information etc.
Step 2: – After that, choose that particular form to open it. You will see the fields you have created so far. To share it, click on the “send” button showing in the top-right corner.
Step 3: – A popup will appear from which, you have to click on the embed code symbol. It will show you the code of an iframe.
You will also see the dimensions of this form, you can set it according to the dimension of your content area. If not, WordPress will automatically add the scroll bars.
Click on the copy link. You can also copy and paste it to any text editor to your computer.
Step 4: – Now log into your WordPress dashboard and open the post in which you want to embed this form. On the WordPress post editor, you can easily see two different editors.
One is the visual editor and another is the text editor. Click on the “Text” link and paste the copied code.
Save it and you’re done. You can publish your post whenever you want.
Just check the preview before publishing. As mentioned before, the scroll bar has been added due to the dimensions of the post.
The choice is yours, whether you want to keep it that way or want to appear on the whole screen. Just change the dimensions from the code.
If you can’t just do it before copying the code from Google forms and then paste it.
If everything works fine, congrats, you have successfully embedded our Google form.
Isn’t That Easy to Add a Google Form in WordPress
You can also use any plugin to add a form but Google forms are much easier to use. Avoiding a WordPress plugin is always a great idea.
With the method mentioned-above, I am sure, you can easily add a Google form in WordPress posts and pages. Can you do it?
Just copy and paste the code. If you still face any kind of problem, feel free to drop a comment.
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Hi Ravi,
Great tutorial and this is something that I’ve seen other bloggers do on their blogs. Your tutorial makes it easy for us to follow, without us having to take the time to figure out how to do it.
I haven’t used a Google form on my own blog yet. However, I am sure that in the future I will use it.
Thanks for taking the time to write this tutorial, I know that it will help so many bloggers.
Have a great day ?
Hello Ravi,
Great one over here ?
Adding Google form in our wordpress web site looks fun. Many bloggers are already into this trend.
The step by step tutorials is always of great help to perform some operation with the wordpress.
I will be trying this one with my wordpress web site.
Thanks for the share.
Hi Ravi. Thanks for the info. I’ve heard other people talk about using Google forms, especially for surveys, but I haven’t done it myself yet. It’s a good idea to use Google and embed the form instead of install another plugin.
Hey Ravi,
What a great idea! I have never heard of this before. I will definitely be trying it out.
Ravi, do you know if works well enough to use a contact form on a website? Have you ever tried it this way. It would be great if I could replace my existing contact form system with this.
Thanks again for sharing this, such a great idea.
Hi Rob,
You can embed the Google Form anywhere you want but using it for a contact form isn’t recommended. It’s used to collect the data. You should use a plugin for creating a contact us page.
Thanks for stopping by.