
20000 LinkedIn Followers: A Personal Branding Journey

20000 LinkedIn Followers

Does it sound impossible to you? Do you want to have 20000 LinkedIn followers? What if I share my story of gaining this number in less than a year? No doubt that LinkedIn is something I have always loved, and it’s considered the most influential social media platform. I wouldn’t call it a social media […] Read More

How Can You Show Live Tweets On a Website Without Any Plugin

show live tweets on a website

At many websites, you may have noticed the live tweets showing in the sidebar or any other place. Have you ever wondered how can you show live tweets on a website? If you’re a WordPress user then the first thing which can come to your mind is the plugin. It’s obvious because you can accomplish […] Read More

How To Add Your LinkedIn Profile Widget In WordPress

Add your LinkedIn profile widget in WordPress

Everyone knows that social media marketing is one of the best things you can adopt to boost the growth of your business. And LinkedIn is the platform you can’t neglect to play with. This is one of the biggest professional networks which is influencing many. Have you ever thought to add your LinkedIn profile widget in […] Read More

How To Add StumbleUpon Button To WordPress Website

add stumbleupon button to wordpress

StumbleUpon is a website where people stumble to find the quality content. Most of the websites have added the StumbleUpon button. Do you know how to add StumbleUpon button to WordPress website without using any plugin? Each social networking platform provides the code to add the sharing button. In this tutorial, you will learn about […] Read More

How To Add Facebook Share Button To Your Site

add facebook share button to your site

Every social networking website provides the freedom to add the official button to the website. Do you know how to add Facebook share button to your site without using any plugin? WordPress has many social sharing plugins which can help you to add the button. But why would you want to use a plugin if […] Read More

How To Properly Add Twitter Follow Button To Your Website

Add Twitter follow button

Twitter is one of the leading social media networks and people are showing their presence more. To get more followers, you can add Twitter follow button to your website. Do you know how to do that? There are different types of Twitter buttons and you can generate the code from Twitter only. Read More