Simple Steps To Install WordPress Plugins For Beginners
July 6th, 2014 | by Ravi Chahar || 19 Comments |
WordPress plugins – A well-known term to bloggers but for beginners, it’s something new and they seek at many blogs to know about their installation. Some newbies face the problem and ask a question to install WordPress plugins.
Many beginners who use a fully-hosted version of WordPress i.e can’t get the benefits of any of the plugins made by developers. Plugins can be used in version of WordPress. You can check the difference between these two versions – vs There are millions of plugins but if don’t know how to install WordPress plugins then how can you use them?
How To Install WordPress Plugins?
There are thousands of plugins present in WordPress plugin directory. I would like to tell you that you can install WordPress plugins by many ways and I am going to explain two of them.
As you all are well aware of many plugins and the problem of installation will be solved in this article. There are many free plugins, but some plugins made by developers are premium.
You can use those premium plugins at your WordPress blog.
First method :
1. At your WordPress dashboard, you can easily see ‘plugins‘. You just need to click at plugins and a new window will appear in front of you. You can easily see the option ‘Add New’. Click at that option and again a new window will appear for you. You will see some options in a row in which search, upload, featured and others are included. By default, you will be provided with the search option to you and space will be shown in front of you to type the name of the plugin you want to install.
2. After filling the box just click to ‘search plugins’ and you will show many WordPress plugins related to your query in which upper one is the plugin whose name you have typed. Here I have written “WordPress Popular Posts”.
3. You can see that I have filled “WordPress Popular Posts” and the search has come in front of me. You can notice two option given under the name of the plugin you desire. You need to click at “Install Now”.
4. After clicking t0 the option, you will notice a popup in the upper side of the page in which you will be asked to install the plugin or not. Just click to “Ok” button.
5. This is the last step which is required to install WordPress plugins. Again a new window will be shown to you with two options from which you have to select “Activate Plugin” and your work is over. Your plugin has installed and you can use it.
Second Option :
1. As I have mentioned earlier there are many premium plugins which you can install by using another way. They are not in WordPress Plugin Directory so you need to buy them and download them in your computer. You can install any of the plugins by using upload method. As I have explained in the earlier search method you can find “Upload” option. Just click to it.
2. You will a new screen from which you have to choose the ‘.zip’ file you have downloaded. After choosing that file from your computer, you have to click at “Install Now”.
3. Similarly to the previous method after installation you need to activate the plugin.
After the installation of any WordPress plugin by any of these methods, you can check them easily in the plugins list. Now you can enjoy the services provide by that plugin.
WordPress Plugin Has Installed
With the simple steps, I have explained above you can install WordPress plugins which are present in WordPress Plugins Directory and any of the premium plugin. If any of an extra step has missed then feel free to share your thoughts. Are you installing any new plugin? Is there any difficulty in the installation?
If any of an extra step has missed then feel free to share your thoughts. Are you installing any new plugin? Is there any difficulty in the installation?
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Ravi, I have to laugh when I read how simple this is.
When I first started installing plugins I was doing it the super hard way by going to my hosting account and adding the plugin through my file manager until one day when I had a problem I emailed my hosting account and they said, “Why in world are you doing it that way?” There’s a much easier way and it’s just the way you describe above ?
I guess I can laugh at that now, it was a long time ago, but the point is when you’re a beginner you need help like this and you’ve come to the rescue for a lot of folks.
Helpful post ?
Hey Liz,
You know in the starting phase a beginners doesn’t know anything regarding WordPress so he/she requires help.
And my motive is to provide them the simplest way.
It’s obvious to laugh at this when someone old user think about installing a plugin.
Have a good day.:)
Yes Liz,
You are right that installing a plugin is very easy but in my initial days of blogging I faced some issues with the process.
The guides like these are really helpful for newbies.
Thanks Ravi for sharing this guide.
Hey Kuldeep,
In the starting days most of bloggers face some problem in installation of plugins.
But after sometime they get usual of it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great weekend.:)
Hi Ravi,
Yes, you are correct. Install a WordPress plugin is very easy. Luckily, I did like this guide. I think, if we don’t know how to install the plugin for the first time, then it will be very complicated. However, if we already know, then we would be surprised that it’s so easy ?
Thanks for sharing this with us, Ravi.
Do have a great week ahead.
Hi Ravi,
Well this one is great for me. I have this adverse reaction when it comes to installing plugins. Luckily, my husband does that for me, or I hire someone to do it.
But this has been nagging at me for a long time. I do want to know how to install a plug in myself. After all I have a Wordpres Blog, and most plug ins are user friendly. My “fear” is that one won’t work with another and I’ll break something.
But here, you have made it so simple to understand taking me step by step that you have successfully boosted my confidence. I am so grateful to you for doing this.
When there is something in my life that I “fear to do” I just don’t like that feeling, so with your helpful post, I can get into my back office, and put my own hands on it.
Thanks again!
Hey Donna,
Is that really so? I mean how can you fear about doing any experiment? You are well experienced and I don’t need to tell you that successful people like teach us to do experiment with our blog.
I agree that for a beginner doing some change with the blog is really hard and using any plugin may do it for them.
Thank God now you don’t have that fear.:)
Thanks a lot Donna for being here.:)
Hi Ravi,
That’s a great tutorial and you made it so simple for beginners to install the plugins they need on their own.
I remember the early days when I just started, I was very scared to do any changes on my blog and I used to get scared installing plugins.
Thank GOD now, with time, I learned how to install both the free and the premium plug-ins. I laugh at my early days when I see how easy it is now. But we all have to start somewhere and the beginning is the hardest.
Thanks Ravi for sharing and I am sure lots of beginners will appreciate you for sharing these tutorials. Have a great week ahead.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
For beginners everything is new and new thing scare them.
They need to learn the installation but the main problem is to find easy guide. I am trying to provide it to them.
I hope it will help them.
Thanks a lot for stopping by.
You too enjoy the weekend.:)
Hi Ravi
Installing WordPress plugin without any conflict is a challenging task especially for those who are a little new to WP.
We well explained both the methods to do this job. Otherwise mostly it is done from the WP control panel and very few people know about the second or direct method.
It also very important to get the latest version of the plugin and do extensive research before selecting the best one. For deleting the one it is also must to remove it from the root directory instead of just deleting it from plugins options at control panel.
Thanks a lot for sharing this very informative post and also quite helpful for those who are a little non-techie in blog development.
Hello Muba,
You are right for beginners and who are not so technical it’s really hard to do such type of technical job.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Have a nice weekend.:)
Hi Ravi
What a great tutorial and explanation. Now I am usually like Donna and get a tech person to do most things for me that require a slight tech ability but I can install plugins.
I cannot say it is what I like to do but I can do it. I really admire people like you who are technical. I am not.
Thanks Ravi.
Hey Sue,
Sorry for being so late.
Thanks for appreciating but you know I am just learning some new things.
I am not technical. I am just a simple person trying to learn something technical.;)
Hope you are having a good weekend.:)
Just like Liz, I was laughing at myself as well. I found it really hard when I moved from blogger to wordpress when it came to installing plugins and I guess this is something many newbie bloggers will be grateful for.
Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great day.:)
Hey Ravi,
Installing plugins is super simple but when you are a complete newbie to WordPress, you might not find it as easy. I had faced problems when I started with my first WordPress blog. At that time, I thought we have to install plugins by uploading the files to our server using FTP.
But now I know its super easy and I am sure that with this post, all the new bloggers will learn how easy it is to install and set up a plugin on your blog.
Hi Arbaz,
In the beginning we all face problem and need something good and easy guide by which we can be followed.
I hope this will help beginners.
Thanks for your input.
Enjoy the weekend.:)
Ravi, Its so simple to install it mate. God, As I am new to this blogging i find it hard to do it. Though I have installed some plugins but couldn’t find the way to make them work. Thanks a ton for the help.
Hi Aditya,
For most of beginners it’s hard for them to install plugins.
Newbies are required simple guide to do so.