Many Things Which Can Make You Look Bad On Twitter

Many Things Which Can Make You look Bad On Twitter : Avoid Them

You all do mistakes in your life and while using any social media platform especially Twitter. You make some Twitter mistakes which are not good for your reputation.

You do something and feel like oops I shouldn’t do that.

While tweeting, greeting anyone, any picture upload and else you do some big mistakes which can make you look bad on Twitter.

Doing any mistake is not an issue but the things which can make you look bad on Twitter are not acceptable at any cost. There are some certain things which you all should keep in mind while using Twitter.

Some Twitter mistakes you do which are not good for you

1). First, you follow and then unfollow :- There are many users who try to increase their followers first by following many people but after getting the response in favor of them with follow back they unfollow many people because they don’t like to show others their increasing following numbers.

There is a mentality that if the number of users followed by them are greater than the number of users who follow them then it doesn’t look good.

They think that it may affect people who visit their profile. It’s a deadly mistake which can look you bad on Twitter.

2). Do you use CAPS LOCK for every word? :- You know people don’t like when someone shouts at them. Using CAPS LOCK at your tweets to a great extent can be considered similar to it.

People don’t like to see all the words in capital. If you want to use CAPS LOCK then you can use it for any particular word to emphasize. For example- “LIFE is beyond your imaginations”. Here I have written life in capital words to emphasize on it.

3). You only retweet other’s thoughts and pictures :- People love to read quotes and pictures can attract them but does it make any sense for your followers?

The people who are following you want to hear from you, your own thoughts.

You shouldn’t copy others quotes. Make your own. Whatever is to your mind, speak to your followers and you will see that your followers will give positive feedback.

4). You act like a celebrity :- You may have met few users who totally ignore you because they have lots of followers. But it’s clear that you will never approach that person once you are ignored.

It’s the key point that doesn’t try to act like a celebrity as if you don’t have time for your followers. Make good bonds with your followers so that you can get more RTs.

5). Don’t act as if you know everything :- Most of the users don’t like others who show that they know everything. It may affect you and make you look bad on Twitter.

People learn in every phase of their life and no one knows about everything. Try to get engaged with your followers because they want to let you know about their work and want to know about the efforts you are doing.

6). You Ignore your followers :- This is one of the main things which can make you look bad on Twitter. You work hard to gain more and more followers but forget about them.

Every user is precious for you and if you don’t engage with them properly, you are blowing your follower numbers.

Suppose you have 2000 followers and you don’t concentrate on them, don’t give time to them then you may lose your this 2000 magic figure.

You should concentrate at your old followers and try to make them feel that you also want to reach for their content.

7). Posting a lot about your affiliates and products :- Twitter is a vast platform with millions of user but your followers decide to follow you in a hope to get quality content. Some tweets which can hep them to grow their business and life.

But if you tweet only about you being an affiliate or about a discount at any product.

It sends the wrong impression and your followers may think like annoying and your reputation may fall. It’s because you expect to get some great tweets not any discount information about your product.

8). You complain a lot :- You may have seen many people who just complain a lot. Don’t you think it’s so irritating to meet such type of people? Don’t ever do that and avoid such type twitter mistakes.

In every tweet, 140 characters are not provided to shout about your complaints. If you want to achieve something on Twitter then stop behaving like a kid who goes to his/her Mom when some snatch his/her candy.

9). You don’t say thanks :- You may have heard in your life that you need to thank people who do any favor for you.

On twitter whenever any user shares your content then it’s your kind duty to thank them by simply saying thanks to them or by favoring their tweet.

It will add an influential feature for you which will directly tend to your reputation.

10). You don’t look after your niche :- It’s good to talk about every niche but if you talk about every stuff like you are an expert then it may add some negative points for you.

People like to hear from the people who are well known about the topic but if you try to become over smart then it’s not a good idea. It can look you bad on Twitter.

11). You act like a machine while tweeting :- People like to get shared their content but your followers will not like to if you tweet or retweet like a machine.

You should maintain a gap of few minutes in your retweets and tweets because your followers will get irritated to see your name, image with many tweets like a list.

12). You bring the flood of #Hashtags :- There are many users who try to use Hashtags for spreading their tweet but they overload them and their tweet look like a fare of Hashtags. You are allowed to use Hashtags it doesn’t mean you will bring a flood of them.

For example – ” #Twitter is a #social #platform to spread your #business”

In the above tweet, I have used Hashtags for Twitter, social, platform and business. Does it look good? I don’t think so. Hashtags are for emphasizing at the particular word of your tweet.

Use mostly two Hashtags in your single tweet. Uses of many Hashtags can make you look bad on Twitter.

13). You try to start a chat with your questions :- This is one of the Twitter mistakes which is common among newbies. Beginners think as Twitter is like Facebook where they can make friends but starting a conversation with their silly questions.

Many people ask “how are you? how about your health? what’s going on? and a lot more. I mean is this place to talk about these kinds of stuff.

I agree that people should start some kind of conversation but not like chatting. You have 140 characters to use for a tweet. Aren’t you supposed to use them for your valuable content? Always try to be more specific and don’t act like a newbie.

Have you done these Twitter mistakes?

You all were newbies once and it’s not possible that you never did few of these Twitter mistakes. You should think about these things which can make you look bad on Twitter because it’s essential for you to build your own reputation to gain more followers. Always share the love.

Do you thank users who share your content? Do you focus at you followers? Are new followers worthy to look upon? I would like to hear from you. ?

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi, oh yes not thanking people on Twitter is a big no-no. I do thank mine except if they are from Triberr I may miss a few.

    Great list of what not to do. I was trying not to overdue hashtags and learned I was hardly using them, almost going the wrong way ?

    I try to stick to the 80/20 rule and only share about 20% of my own stuff and 80% of others.

    It gets harder to keep up with your followers once you reach over 5000 but I do use lists a lot and add them to certain lists. That really helps me to stay focused on Twitter.

    Have a great day Ravi!

    1. Hey Lisa,

      It’s always good to see you here.:)

      There are many people who just get engaged to promote their own product which is not beneficial for them.

      You are right 80/20 rule is amazing to follow and for Twitter users it’s a golden key.

      Thanks for your wonderful comment.

      You too have an awesome weekend.:)


  2. This is Great Your Article For Google Adsense Really Awesome Your Blog And Wonderful Post Thanks For SHareing Me And Keep it Up I like It

  3. Hey Ravi,

    I’m wondering if i really look bad on twitter ? I don’t use twitter much but it’s one of my prime source of traffic as i get a lot of twitter traffic and shares. It seems i should help myself to look good on twitter, it will help me to be more productive there.

    BTW, why don’t you check my twitter profile? I’d love hear what you think about it.

    Thanks for writing, Cheers!


    1. Hi Siraj,

      There is not any specific person to check about your Twitter reputation. It’s only you who can realize the mistakes you do while using Twitter.

      Thanks for sopping by and dropping your comment.

      Enjoy your stay. Hope to see you soon.:)


    2. LOL Siraj. You followed me one hour ago. I hesitated a few seconds whether to follow you back or not. Then I remembered your Facebook friend request waiting for my approval and I also remembered that I’ve seen your Twitter handle on JustRetweet. So I followed you back.

      But usually I don’t follow that kind of accounts. No offence.

      You could say that I follow less people than follow me, therefore there’s no big difference between you and me. So what am I talking about? Well… My ratio – very different than yours – isn’t got by unfollowing active followers. I just don’t follow everyone who follows me and I unfollow inactive people.

      Usually your kind of ratio is obtained by unfollowing active people. That’s why in the first instance I hesitated to follow you back ? I don’t know whether you really unfollowed active people or not, but if you do so, don’t do it anymore. It won’t help you. You don’t have to read everything from your home feed, you cannot do it anyway when you follow many people. Here’s a simple and effective tip to solve the problem: Use lists! ?

      1. Adrian,

        You have given some great tips which should be followed by everyone and Siraj can now have some wonderful points to remember.

        I totally agree with you that we don’t need to follow inactive people.

        As you have mentioned that if we find someone inactive or not so well maintained via his/her account then it’s obvious that we will hesitate in following them back.

        One thing I have to mention that I haven’t unfollow anyone yet but in coming time if I will find any inactive user then I will not any second to unfollow.

        You have added some great tips.

        Hope to hear from you again.;)


  4. Hello Ravi,

    I have come across many people on twitter that follows me and when i followed back, they will unfollow me. Well, i do check my twitter followers every week so if i follow people that does not follow back, i simply unfollow that person, why? Because i feel that that person doesn’t find me valuable, so why wasting my time with them??

    You have shared some mistakes most people make on twitter and thumbs up bro.

    Thanks for such a lovely post. Do have a wonderful week ahead…

    1. Hi Babanature,

      You will meet many people have the aim only to increase their follower list and they don’t have anything with sharing and all.

      You are right, people don’t need to waste their time with wrong users.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      You too enjoy your weekend.:)


  5. Hi Ravi,

    I’ve seen some guys who follow 2-digit tweeps and are followed by 5-digit followers. Their profile tells me that they will unfollow me very soon. So why wasting my time? I ignore their follow unless we know each other ?

    Take care of the #13th sub-headline from your article. The examples you shown in the article are noob-style indeed. I don’t like it when some stranger who never engaged with my content tries to waste my time by asking me on Twitter or Google+, “What’s up?” Usually I ignore them.

    However, chatting on Twitter isn’t always a mistake. Real Twitter chats are popular and useful. Search on Google for “Twitter chat” and you’ll understand my point ?

    1. Hi Adrian,

      Off course all the time Twitter chats are not waste but you know as you said when any stranger ask such type of questions then we feel so irritating.

      Finally we have to mute that user.

      The only point i want to convey through 13th sub-heading is that people need to be more specific on Twitter than Facebook because it’s not a platform just to be more personal with anyone. Having a conversation with the person you know is a great step in building human relationship.

      Thanks for being here and sharing your thoughts.:)

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  6. Hello Ravi, I just had to stop by to see what you are up to and fell on this article..

    Oh Yes I do think we are all guilty of a few of these, just because we didnt know any better.. LOL

    Now #5 is my biggest pet peave I can’t stand those no it all’s You know the types Right? They ask you a question then don’t let you answer…

    This was a great artcile. Happy I stopped by, Do enjoy the rest of your day.. Chery :))

    1. Hi Chery,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      Yeah off course I know the types of such kind of people who try to show that they are superior.

      We all are learner and can’t claim to have knowledge of everything.

      Things get changed with the time and people need to follow the path.

      Thanks for being here.

      You too have an awesome weekend.:)


  7. Hi Ravi,

    I appreciate this article, especially since I don’t use Twitter nearly as much as I do Facebook and G+.

    I don’t think I make too many of the mistakes you mention, though, when I do. I guess because I’m in the habit of always trying to give sincere value, and always project myself into what I do.

    The mistakes you point out seem to reflect a person who is just trying to use Twitter to make quick sales… and that’s never a good idea, on any platform.

    Again, Ravi, I really appreciate this post because I don’t use Twitter so much and this will help me a lot when I do!

    1. Hi Donna,

      Twitter has millions of user and in the starting days many users do above mentioned mistakes.

      I have also done few.;)

      You should use Twitter to drive some traffic to your blog and it helps in building connections.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Enjoy your week.:)


  8. Hi Ravi,

    One of my pet peeves is people who follow me and then unfollow me (after I follow them). Sometimes, it’s easy to predict that this is going to happen. I have a decent number of followers and I follow a respectable number of bloggers back but when I see someone who has a significantly high number of followers suddenly follow me, I question it. So often, they unfollow me within the next few days. (At which time, I immediately unfollow them.) Twitter should not be a game. It’s a waste of everyone’s time.

    Another quick thing to make me not follow someone back is that they’re selling followers on social networks. That is a red flag to me and I absolutely do not want to be associated with them.

    People may not know this but when I’m trying to determine whether or not someone who has left me a comment is a spammer or not, I’ll check their Twitter account. If I see someone who is selling followers or is only promoting themselves, that’s a key factor in whether or not I will approve their comment. If I had already suspected that they could be a spammer, that’s clear confirmation to me.

    Have a great week Ravi and thanks for an interesting post.

    1. Hi Sherryl,

      It’s really so much irritating when people follow us and within few days they unfollow us. I mean Twitter is not a place to play games. It’s the platform to form real bonds. You are right when someone with high number of followers follow us then it’s obvious to doubt at them.

      There are many people who try to sell their product via Twitter. It’s a annoying stuff to look upon.

      You have added a good point to check Twitter account for the surety of any user as a spammer or non-spammer. Frankly, I have never done this before. I will keep it my mind.Thanks.;)

      Thanks a lot for stopping here and leaving your comment.

      You too enjoy this week.:)


  9. Hello Ravi,

    Twitter if used correctly can bring in a lot of benefit to anyone. But many people use Hashtags and that’s where they lack behind. And sharing is what that also need to be taken care of. People follows you because they love to see what you write not what others tweeted about. If they want to do so then why would anyone follow you? So making a balance between Tweeting and Re-Tweeting is a must.

    1. Hi Aditya,

      Yeah, Twitter is a platform which bring so much traffic to any.

      But people do many mistakes while using it which effect them.

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your input.

      Enjoy your weekend.:)


  10. Hi Ravi

    Very though provoking list. I never thought about many of them. Sometimes I feel I am sharing others stuff more than my blog posts as if I am promoter and nothing else.

    Behaving like a celebrity is an interest point. I also observe people just telling about themselves, narrating their achievements even if they do nothing they share about it as if others are dying to know about them.

    Yes unnecessary hashtags make your tweets quite irksome and people don’t want to stay on them then how come they reshare them or reply or favorite them.

    Thanks a lot for sharing a wonderful list to avoid while working at Twitter like a smart guy.

    1. Hi Muba,

      Most of people such type of Twitter mistakes.

      You may have noticed that many people try to sell their product on Twitter by tweeting again and again the same stuff. Don’t you think it’s irritating?

      Users go there to find something new and worthy to read.

      Using over hashtags may be not good for you.

      Great to hear from you.:)

      Enjoy your week.:)


  11. Hi Ravi,

    These are some important tips for newbies and also to a lot of seasoned marketers. Everybody hates “Mr. know it all”. Nobody likes ungrateful people and nobody likes to discuss about their health on Twitter. All of your points are awesome and something to remember however I like these three the most ?

    Most people on Twitter to not understand really how to use it and in fact, I took about two years to just get myself interested in learning how to use this amazing platform. So, I don’t really blame people who don’t understand and just beating around the bushes because I have been there and I understand how hard it is to gel with the Twitter culture ?

    But a great post and I thank you for sharing this and adding value to online community.



    1. Hi Kumar,

      You always add something great in your comments.:)

      Yeah, I agree with you. Twitter is not an easy platform to know about. Newbies need some time to know more about this amazing platform.

      When I started using Twitter i was not even aware as how to tweet and what to tweet?:)

      With the time we all can learn. But beginners need to take care about the mistakes they do.

      They should avoid them.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a successful week.:)


  12. Hey Ravi,

    Twitter is an awesome micro blogging platform if used properly.

    Bombarding Twitter followers with affiliate links is a big turn-off. It is better to schedule tweets of affiliate links so that you don’t lose followers.

    1. Hi Shabnam,

      Twitter is a platform to get more quality content tweets but when people tweet about affiliates then it puts negative impact to their reputation.

      Users need to focus at their tweets. There is no need to sell products a lot.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Have a good day.:)


  13. Hi Ravi,

    Awesome post done.

    I never want myself to look bad on twitter. I follow the 80/20 rules someime to look good on twitter. But due to less of timings, can’t manage it regularly.

    Twitter is an amazing network to share our messages and build relationship with others.

    Thanks for the wonderful post. keep sharing such informative post.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Hi Nisha,

      Twitter is a micro platform which have widespread approach in it’s work.

      There are millions of users and people seek for something valuable. In this situation if people try to manipulate others by adding wrong hashtags or flood with them then it will not look good.

      Good to see you around.:)

      You too have an awesome week.:)


  14. Hi Ravi,

    I don’t really use #hashtags, except for Instagram, so I guess that’s not cool.. I post frequently – 7+ times a day and I do respond. I get behind on thanking Twitter followers for RT/Favs/Shares and mentions. I need to kick up my game and you just reminded me of that. Thank you. ? Lisa

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Though I don’t use Instagram but still using hashtags is really great but in limit.;)

      People like when someone mention them in their tweets while thanking them for their RTs or share.

      It’s good to thank them and add a plus point to have a chance to increase your circle.

      Thanks for your wonderful input. I always feel happy to see you here.:)

      Have fun this weekend.:)


  15. Hi Ravi,

    I guess I’m late to the party, but just been overwhelming with the new Giveaway, numerous members joining in (including you!), and 2 interviews that went live in the past 2 days…so you can imagine my plight….but glad I am here now ?

    You are SO right about all that you mentioned, the very things we face on Twitter! Yes, people unfollowing us, tagging us, or using numerous mentions and hashtags are upsetting. There are sites like Tweepi where you can make out in a second who is not following you back, and just do the same for them.

    Nevertheless, I am very careful about following people back, and unless they have a proper blog, proper number of relevant tweets and followers, I don’t follow them back – it takes a few additional seconds, but worth it I would say. Moreover, I’ve never followed people, they follow me first, and it’s only my choice to follow them back, so this way I don’t get many unfollows as those who have followed me have done so because they like what I share – I don’t run after increasing the counts or numbers, you already know that. ?

    Not saying thank you or even replying back, even if you are popular isn’t the way at all, though most pros get away with it because of the lack of time they say. But who has time nowadays!! I make it a point to thank everyone, even if it’s after 1-2 days if I am busy.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend, and see you at the blog forum too! ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      It’s always my honor to welcome you at my blog.:)

      Yeah! party is still going and you are the one to be in.

      Like always you are right at the fact that if people are famous then not thanking their followers is a mistake. people who share your content should by mentioned so that they can have some bond with you.

      Many users try to become oversmart and unfollow us after following. They just try to increase their number of followers but they forget to build loyal circle of followers.

      I didn’t know that we can know the people who unfollowed us. Thanks for the info.:)

      For sure you will see me at the blog forum soon.:)

      Thanks for your informative input.

      You too enjoy your weekend.:)


  16. Hey Ravi,

    This is a great list of things that people most likely SHOULD avoid with Twitter. A question though … do people actually first follow people and then unfollow them?

    That seems so silly to me.

    LOL 11). You act like a machine while tweeting. I’ve been guilty of that from when I was tweeting posts through Triberr. When I shared it, it would post one after the other on Twitter. I switched the posting frequency to 15 minutes difference so that doesn’t happen. But I can see how that would be very annoying.

    On Twitter, what I mainly do is share other people’s content. Most likely 80% of the time I’m sharing their content but I know I have to become much more active on Twitter than I already am.

    Great post here, thanks for sharing it.

    Have a great rest of the weekend.

    – Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew,

      You will be amazed to know if I tell you the number of users who first follow and then unfollow me. There are many users who just try to increase their followers list and don’t give a damn to their content. After few days they unfollow their followers just to show that they have followed few other users.

      I mean how can they do that?

      It’s about sharing and building relationship at any social media network but these kind of selfish people don’t understand it.

      Yeah, I was also the one who were acting like a machine in my previous days. But you know we learn from our mistakes.;)

      Twitter is an amazing platform to promote any product and you can engage many customers to buy. But make it clear that don’t make your followers feel like you are imposing your product at them by tweeting it again and again.

      Great to see you around.:)

      Have a great weekend.


  17. Hi Ravi,

    This is a great article. I am like Donna and do not use Twitter as much as Facebook and other social media. I have not made too many of these mistakes but the one I do make is not being on there enough. So I do not really share much other than people’s content I find useful as well as my own of course.

    Thanks for the great advice.


    1. Hi Sue,

      Now a days people try to use all social networks but it’s not that much easy.

      Twitter is a great platform to use but many people do some common mistakes which can ruin their reputation.

      Thanks for stopping by.:)

      Enjoy your week.


  18. Twitter…

    Use it sporadically..have been told it is better to use at the same time

    each day, especially if you know that is when more of your followers

    are on board.

    It is easy to get caught in the trap of just tweeting about offers or things that

    make money…Have found I get the most reaction from just posting a question like “What will be good for Dinner?” Out of ideas.

    or sharing an earth shaking article I read.

    To me twitter is more fun when there are live people that I can interact with rather than just reading the robot scheduled posted tweets.

    Two or more people chatting back and forth makes interesting reading..hard to tell if others enjoy it, but know that I do.

    Nicely organized article..wish I was so neat!


    1. Hi Cararta,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.:)

      I agree with your works that Twitter is the platform at which we can connect with many real people with whom we can make human bonds. It’s always good to have an amazing reputation everywhere but it can be ruined if you do some things which can look you bad on Twitter.

      Your followers expect from you to get quality content which can be shared and from which they can learn something but if you provide something else like to provide them about anything which can irritate them then it’s not good for you.

      Connecting with your followers is really important. You should say thanks when they do RTs and share your posts.

      I am not against doing chats on Twitter. It’s just when you get messages from any stranger regularly then you will feel irritating.

      Thanks a lot for taking time to drop your input.

      Have a successful week ahead.:0


  19. Hi Ravi,

    Twitter is not my favorite social media and so like Donna, I don’t really use it that much other than I tweet the articles after I read them. But the ones really irritates me the most after I read an article are the Twitter button that didn’t have a @username at the end of their share button and so I don’t even bother tweeting their articles when I see that.

    In Twitter, and the rest of my social media, I follow the 80/20 rule. I tweet other people’s posts 80% of the time and I only tweet my own post 20% of the time.

    Also, I only follow the ones who engage with me on my blog, I used to follow back when someone follows me even when I don’t know them during my early days of blogging but I had to unfollow all the strangers because it’s impossible to engage with every single one of them. So every single one I follow I KNOW THEM and they’re not just anybody.

    Anyway, thank you for the great article. Have a nice Monday. It’s labor weekend here in America, but it doesn’t really matter to me coz I don’t work for corporate America, but myself.

    Until later,


    1. Hi Angela,

      I have noticed that there are many bloggers who don’t use Twitter in a regular interval of time.

      I agree with you. When we read any blog post and try to share that post to Twitter but don’t find Twitter handle then it’s really frustrating. These kind of stuffs irritate us and somehow compel use to focus at other social media networks.

      off course we all need to connect with the people who get engaged with us at our blog. They can be our loyal visitors and we can make them our customers.

      I tried to increase my number of followers in my early days but now I don’t give a damn to numbers. Building real relationships is the focusing point.

      Glad to hear that you are not dependent to anyone.:)

      I am glad to hear from you.

      Enjoy your weekend.:)


  20. Hi Ravi, Yes, I have seen all of these done and I cringe when these things happen. You almost wonder if these people are so rude in real life!

    By having common courtesy, engaging in real conversation and reaching out we can greatly improve the way we use Twitter. Thanks for this, I will be sharing it with others so they can learn to avoid these mistakes!

    1. Hi Carolyn,

      Making connections is always a good thing for every business. And at Twitter it’s a need so that you can have some loyal customers.

      Engaging with others may improve our presence on Twitter.

      Reputation of any user matters a lot and they need ti maintain it by avoiding such silly mistakes.

      Thanks for taking time to say your words.

      Have a peaceful week ahead.:)


  21. Hi Ravi,

    When I started out using twitter I made some of this mistakes. I only used to share my own stuff and a lot of affiliate links. But of course I learned.

    Nowadays more than 70% of what I tweet is from others and I don’t promote affiliate offers on tweeter.

    Thanks for the write up buddy!


    1. Hi Norbert,

      Good to hear that you are trying to avoid these mistakes.

      Sharing affiliate links can ruin your reputation.

      Let me tell you that I have visited your blog and tried to share your post on Twitter but couldn’t find your Twitter handle @yourname. I suggest you to fill your handle so that you can get proper notifications when someone share your content.

      Glad to see you here.:)

      Enjoy your stay.


  22. Hey Ravi,

    With a sigh of relief I can say that I don’t do any of what’s on your list.

    I know there is still a big debate about whether or not you should thank everyone and I think that’s a personal choice but when people don’t feel appreciated then they aren’t always that eager to share your content. I do my best to thank everyone even if I’m a little late in doing so.

    One that really gets under my skin are the caps. I feel like they are shouting at me and there are a few people that do it a lot and I find that pretty annoying.

    Twitter is a great place to share content but if you aren’t interacting with people there then some will still be scratching their heads wondering how this all really does work.

    Thanks for the list and I know most of my friends are doing the right things.


    1. Hi Adrienne,

      Everyone knows about you here and no one can deny that you are the best at your work.;)

      While using twitter you may see many users who don’t even thank others who share their content. May be it’s a matter of choice but I don’t think it’s a good choice not to thank others. If anyone do so then they will not get more readers.

      Twitter is a widespread platform with millions of user and if it’s users want to build their reputation then they need to be more interactive with their followers.

      Some people think like CAPSLOCK are their weapon to get noticed by others but’s not like that in real. They will get more negative thoughts for their way to use Twitter because no one likes others to get shouted at them.

      Thanks a lot for your comment.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  23. Hi Ravi,

    I am visiting your blog for the first time. But I must say I had a very good first impression. Your write-up was really overwhelming and I enjoyed reading it.

    Twitter is one of the prime sources of traffic and social love on the Internet and it surely must be handled with care. I post on Twitter with the help of Buffer and also by myself. I used a lot of hashtags previously but now have reduced them. Because I fell short of characters while posting the actual content. You have mentioned quite a lot other cardinals to be maintained. I will keep them in mind. Thanks a lot.

    1. Hi Kaustav,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      If you use Twitter in an effective way then you will get more number of visitors at your blog because there are millions of users in front of which you can share your content. But if use it in a wrong way then you will have to face some problems. You will ruin your reputation.

      On Twitter or any other social network making human bonds is the key of success. Try to communicate with your followers. Say thanks when they share your content on Twitter.

      Using hashtags is good but too much can be bad. Try to maintain the hashtags in your every tweet.

      Thanks for your visit and wonderful input.

      Hope to see you soon.;)

      Have an awesome week ahead.


  24. Hello Ravi,

    Huge list of bad habits on twitter. According to you these all points are make us bad on twitter but the fact is that we all do this type of mistake to get more traffic or attention. Thanks to share your suggestions with us. ?

    1. Hi Swetta,

      In our life we do many mistakes but on Twitter you should keep these mistakes in your mind while using it.

      It’s good to know about these common mistakes if you want to use Twitter effectively.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a good day.:)


  25. Hi Ravi,

    Nicely said there and I completely agree with you that these are the must follow rules for a twitter user.

    And the first thing is really true I hate those guys who follow me, and when I return the favor they unfollow me.

    But thanks to some twitter we can also do the same to them ?

    Thanks for sharing this it was a nice article indeed.

    1. Hi Rohit,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.:)

      You will find many users who try to become oversmart by following you but after few days they unfollow you just to maintain their number of users they follow.

      There are many other things you need to maintain if you don’t want to look bad on Twitter.

      Thanks a lot for sharing your views.

      Hope to see you soon.:)


  26. Excellent advice Ravi!

    And yes I must confess, way back when I first opened my twitter account and being totally clueless to the tremendous marketing leverage potential and networking possibilities of social media in general!

    I was pretty much a clueless glorified spammer! But hey, you leave and learn!

    Your points are spot on! Thanks for sharing them!

    1. Hey Mark,

      We all were beginners once and did many common mistakes written above.

      While using Twitter you need to take care of many things because it’s all about your reputation which makes you grow in your business.

      People hate spammers and users who act like spammer can’t get any benefit.

      Be real and have a positive side of path.

      Great to hear from you.

      Have a nice weekend.:)


  27. Hi Ravi,

    This is a good article. You are always sharing with us to a new information. I have read your every article. Thank you so much .

  28. You make some good points here. Especially the overuse of hashtags drives me crazy. Although it sometimes makes easier to mute annoying or uninteresting subjects. ?

    I think one of the biggest mistakes is to take Twitter (or any other social media platform and it’s content) too seriously. It’s important to remember that we are all human.

    1. Hi Mervi,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      Many users try to emphasize at their particular tweet and crowd many hashtags into it.

      But that goes wrong because people will not able to concentrate on the content, hashtags will be there to see.

      Content matters a lot whether it’s at social networking websites or at your own blog.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have an amazing weekend.:)


  29. Hi Ravi,

    I’m a little late to this party but when I saw this article on your sidebar I just had to check it out.

    The Twitter etiquette you recommend is spot on. A couple of things really stood out to me personally:

    1. Always say thank you. I never miss an opportunity to interact with someone. In fact, some thank you’s turn into really interesting conversations.

    2. Only retweeting thoughts and pictures – I might every once on a very rare occasion. But, I have to admit, it doesn’t seem like there is any real value in doing that to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen how when folks like yourself re-tweet my content it brings new traffic to my site? Pics and quotes cannot do that. But, instead of retweeting I sometimes respond with a comment and I’ll see where it goes.

    I also liked the idea of not firing off one tweet or retweet after another. While I don’t do that, I am annoyed by some who do.

    I just started getting into Twitter a few months ago and I admit, I was wayyyyy late to that party, lol… But it’s been great connecting with influencers and those in my niche as well as business owners in a wide range of products and services, who are also in my target audience.

    Great post Ravi! Thanks so much for some great ideas that will really help me in my Twitter endeavors.

    ~ Don Purdum

    1. Hi Don,

      Party is still going.;)

      Thanking your readers who share your articles is a mush have step to take if you want to build your reputation. People like to be addressed.

      While using Twitter its necessary to know what is worthy to share? Many users share images like you have mentioned above which is not that much effective.

      If you want to maintain your presence and improve your connections then sharing others content is a must have step.

      Greeting your followers when they retweet your posts is very important.

      Thanks for taking time to drop your wonderful input.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  30. Great article Ravi!

    One point you made that I agree on even more than all the rest – posting your own stuff! Retweeting is Twitter love. But when I find my way to someone’s profile and only see retweet, or have to dig for a long time to find something that is not a retweet, I get really frustrated.

    I’m looking to connect on Twitter and thus I want to know about YOU – the person whose profile I am looking at. A good balance between retweets and your own thoughts and links is really important for relationship building in 140 characters!!



    1. HI Deborah,

      Its the matter of choice but still when we find retweets more than tweets then it gives negative impression about the person whose profile we are going through. People need to maintain a good balance between sharing their own thoughts and retweets. On Twitter there are many users present but we all like to connect with someone who knows the real value of connections. I mean whats the need to connect with someone who doesn’t even know that that you exist there. There are man other mistakes which are done by many users. I have noticed many users who follow others once and after few days they just unfollow. They just try to increase number of followers which is not a good approach.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have an awesome week ahead.:)


  31. Nice Share Ravi,

    I think automatically sending the wrong type direct message through an AutoDM also makes you look unprofessional. A message saying ‘thanks for following me’ is fine, but sending automated messages promoting your business or product is not a good idea and most instances people will click the unfollow button right away.

    1. Hey Worli,

      Welcome to BloggingLove.

      I am glad that you liked this article.:)

      I agree with you that if bloggers send an automated message promoting their business doesn’t have good impression on the customer. There are many other reasons due to which you can have bad impression on Twitter.

      Hope to see you again.


  32. Hi Ravi

    Great list. I’m not sure I’ve committed any of the twitter blunders you outlined, although I’m sure I’ve made a few blunders of my own.

    On twitter I always try to provide value to my audience, to reciprocate good favours and not to overpromote myself.

    It seems to be working so far.


    1. Hey Clement,

      Good to see you at my blog.:)

      You know that Twitter is an amazing platform to use. But people do many mistakes. They don’t greet people for sharing their posts. Tweeting like a robot is the biggest mistake.

      Twitter users try to find something useful, helpful. But if you provide your followers with unnecessary things then I don’t think it’s going to work out. There are many other mistakes which shouldn’t be repeated.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day ahead.


  33. Well, the reason for these mistakes is that almost all people make use of Facebook and not of Tweeter.

    People need to know Tweeter also offers the same type of work as Facebook offers. So, people need to use Tweeter also.

    And before using, they must read this post for avoiding several mistakes


    1. Hi Andrew,

      Though Facebook is also an important and effective social network to use. But, you know Twitter has its own place and Facebook can’t compete with it. People can share their blog posts and thoughts within few characters on Twitter.

      It’s quite easy to have a look at many updates. Whereas Facebook users engage in the groups which is not that much user-friendly.

      Glad to hear from you.

      Have a great week.


  34. I made the number 1 mistake on two of my twitter accounts, i was following and clicking like too much on twitter, both of my twitter accounts were locked by twitter. i also didn’t really read what they considered spam, which is another twitter mistake i made.

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