Increase Facebook Page Likes

40 Incredible Ways To Increase Facebook Page Likes.

get likes on facebook page

Are you struggling to get likes on Facebook page? While running a business or a blog, people create their Facebook page in the hope to drive more traffic to their blog. Are you one of them? Are you thinking about the popularity of your page?

No doubt, that every person craves to get more and more likes on the page. There are many things you can do to accomplish your goal. Everyone wants to become famous and the Facebook is one of the biggest platforms to use.

In this post, I am going to mention some incredible ways to increase the Facebook page likes naturally. You don’t need to use any trick or the hack for that.

How To Get More Likes On Facebook Page Without Paying?

You would find people showing the tricks to get more likes on your page. But if you want to get the authentic likes by the people then never use such tricks. It would be of no use. I mean the fake likes from a software or any other trick can’t get you people to interact and make human bonds.

You can’t turn anyone to your clients. So the best thing to do is to try something which is real and you won’t need to think about the fake and any kind of the hack.

Why Should You Have A Facebook Page?

First of all, you should know the importance of having a Facebook page. There are millions of active users on the Facebook with the same interest as you. You can reach to many people through this platform.

There are chances that you can turn your followers into your customers. It can boost up your popularity and the sale of your products. You can reach to many people and spread your content which would help you to get more visitors on your blog. You should know the effective use of social media.

Get Likes On Facebook Page Using These Ways.

1. The content:- Everywhere you go, the content you provide has the key to help you with your goals. If your content has the quality to help others then people would love to connect with you. They would want your content to get shared with others and the result would to get more likes.

2. Your Profile:- When you create your Facebook page, do you notice all the fields carefully. The point is that you should provide each and every information on your Facebook page. Maybe people are looking for you on the Facebook through your website. Fill the website name on your page and your Facebook profile.

3. Add Images:- When you post an update on the Facebook, make sure that it has the appealing image or the meme. People like creative things and you should provide it. The Facebook users want to see more content with the attractive images. Try to fulfill their need.

4. Page Description:- Show your specialty on the page. The short summary would be perfect. Your followers should know about your services and the products. You may have noticed that when you visit a page and find something which represents the page’s status then you may want to like that page.

5. Invite Your Friends:- This is the common way to increase facebook page likes. You add more friends in your Facebook profile list and after few days invite your friends to like your page. And you know that no one would reject your invitation. I mean what does it take to like a page.

how to get likes on facebook page without paying

6. Prepare A Schedule:- There should be a schedule to post the updates on your Facebook page. You should provide the posts more often which would boost the interaction of the people on your posts.

7. The Right Time To Post:- Though it would be hard to know the right time to post on the Facebook but still you should try to figure it out from your followers. Every person has the different time-zone and no one can decide the right time to post. But still, there are some time-stats examined by the experts.

8. Show Like Box On Your Website:- You should add the Facebook like box on your website to reach to your Facebook page directly from the website. It would increase the possibility to get likes on Facebook page because sometimes people don’t like to go to your page and then like it. It would take some time. So provide the easiest method.

9. Behave Like A Professional:- To handle a Facebook page, you should behave like a professional who knows the value of his/her followers. Provide the best version of yourself on your page.

10. Be Helpful:- There are many users who seek for the help on the Facebook. If someone comes to you for any kind of help then provide the best answer you can. Don’t just try to manipulate the person. If you can help then go for it. Otherwise, recommend a friend who can.

11. Ask Your Friends of Friend’s:- There is a chain which goes on and on. You can meet new people through your friends and then many else. You can ask your friends to ask their friends to like your page. It is a kind of favor to ask. But if you have the bond with your friends then they would help you to grow on the Facebook.

12. Include Keywords In Description:- When you write the about section, try to embed the keywords relate to your website and your work. If you are a blogger then add it in the section. It would be great for the Facebook search. Maybe people would look only for the bloggers.

13. Use Facebook Insights:- You should use the Facebook insights to check what kind of the content is popular among your followers. You can see the engagement of the people on your post updates. Try to provide the content in which your followers get engaged.

14. Try Share For Share:- You can ask the people with the Facebook pages of the similar content to like your page. You can ask them to share your updates on their page and allow them to share theirs. It would provide you the different audience.

get likes on facebook page

15. Tag Another Page In Your Posts:- It is a good idea to get likes on Facebook page. You should tag other pages on your updates. It would increase the chances that they would return the favor.

16. Share Your Page On Twitter:- You may have noticed that many people share their Facebook page link with their Twitter followers. It may prove as one of the best ideas here. You can try it and get more likes.

17. Start A Discussion On Your Website:- To engage more people, you should start a discussion about the related topics. Increase the engagement of your website’s readers and let them know about your Facebook page.

18. Start A Contest:- To get more likes and more visitors on your blog. You can hold a contest on your website. It would help you to reach to many different people who would want to get the updates from your Facebook page.

19. Share Your Thoughts:- Try to attract your readers by expressing your thoughts. It may be about the news, the niche you work on, or anything which can motivate your readers.

20. Provide Giveaways:- People like to participate in the giveaways. It would help you to increase Facebook page likes. People would spread the news like a fire to others about the giveaway.

21. You Can Use Facebook Ads:- If you can spend some money then the Facebook ads would let you get more likes than normal. It would show your page in the suggestions to others. Though the Facebook assures you to get the no. of likes according to your ads plan. But at least, the guarantee would increase the chances.

22. Use Facebook Groups:- Try to interact with the people in the Facebook groups of your niche. You would find many people in the group with whom you can interact and show what you got.

23. Provide Discounts:- If you have any product then provide the discount coupon to the people who like your page. It would make them feel like worthy that they liked your page.

24. Use Your Email List:- The email list you have made using your website, you can ask those people to like your Facebook page. It would a great idea if you do it the right way. Don’t email them again and again. Just a simple email with the positive vibes.

increase facebook page likes

25. Ask For The Feedback:- Ask your friends and the regular readers of your blog to give their feedback on your Facebook page. It would let people know about your work and the services.

26. Drop The Helpful Comments:- When you post an update on the page, just try to be helpful. Whenever someone comments then provide the positive answers with the great value.

27. Use Effective Profile Pic:- The profile pic has the major influence on the people’s mind to like your page or not. It would be considered as the major point. If you have a professional pic then you would get likes on Facebook page.

If you have an image with something odd, the pic with the glasses, the pic in which you try to act cool. Then I don’t think it would be great. The people should be able to see your face clearly. Don’t hide it with the glasses.

28. Use Infographics:- You know that the infographics word everytime and everywhere. You can use them on your Facebook page. Provide the content in the form of visual content.

29. Link Your Facebook Page To Other Social Sites:- In most of the social networking websites, you can link your Facebook account. Like on the LinkedIn, you can attach your Facebook page with the account.

30. Add Facebook Comment System:- Do you know that you can add Facebook comment system on your website? Just like the Disqus comment system and the WordPress default comment system, you can add Facebook comment system which would definitely increase Facebook page likes.

31. Be You:- Don’t just act like a robot. Be human and interact with the people who have liked your page. Reach out to others by commenting and liking their post and page.

32. Boost The Popular Post:- Facebook has the feature to boost your post. You can use that to get more likes. You have to spend some money and Facebook would take care of the rest.

how to get likes on facebook page without paying

33. Tag Your Fans:- While posting any update, tag your fans. It would increase the interaction and they would promote the post among their friends. It is a kind of smart move.

34. Set An Attractive Timeline Cover:- Just like the profile pic, the cover page of your page helps you to get more likes. Show your work through the cover image. Use some funny yet intellectual images.

35. Build A Community:- Creat the community for your website and the Facebook to join more and more people. Provide a platform to share the content with different kinds of audience. The people would tend to like your page to promote their content.

36. Use The Professional page URL:- When you create a Facebook page then it would provide you the URL. You can set it with the name of your website. It would show your professional approach.

37. Use Your Personal Profile:- You can increase Facebook page likes using your personal profile. Tag your page in the post you publish on your profile. People would have a glance on the page and might like it.

38. Connect People Through Their Website:- When you visit any website and comment on the blog post then it is a great idea to like their Facebook page. You can expect the reciprocity from them.

39. Share Other’s Post On Facebook:- You should share the articles on your facebook page so that other bloggers would like it and share with their fans.

get likes on facebook page

40. The Personal Trick:- You all have something special to show. You should use that and attract more people to engage in the content your provide.

Are You Ready To Increase Facebook Page Likes?

Are you still thinking about how to get likes on Facebook page without paying? Well, you should stop thinking and show the action by providing the best content. People like to see which has the potential and the uniqueness. You can join the Facebook groups to increase the interaction.

Do you want to get likes on Facebook page? Try to behave like a professional and help others. You can contribute in others group or the on the page. It would help you get the same for your page.

Facebook is the wonderful platform to use and you can have the better results for your online business. Embrace the appearance and be the one hero on the Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello, Ravi!

    The frequent update is so much required to keep going and keep getting noticed.

    And the more powerful thing is, being you to better your facebook’s page because being original is the thing.

    But, I don’t like adding FB’s page into my blog. I actually think about it this way that I am on my blog to make it noticed and not my page to increase likes. Just my personal thoughts. ?

    But overall, these are the apt tips to really up the game of increasing the likes to your FaceBook’s page. ?

    Thanks for this awesome share of the information with us, buddy!

    See me often!

    ~ Adeel

    1. Hi Adeel,

      The more you post on the Facebook, the more people would notice. The frequency and the consistency would help you to get more likes. The originality is needed in the content.

      You should show what you are. Provide the best of you to your readers. It’s the matter of choice whether to add the FB page on the website or not. But it has the major influence on the no. of likes.

      Thanks for your continuous support.

      Have an awesome day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    thanks for this epic post which comes handy right now.

    I neglected my FB page for some time and just posted once in a while. So with these tips on hand I really should improve engagement and increase likes on my Facebook page.

    Thanks for the nudge,


    1. Hey Torsten,

      Facebook has the millions of users and if you do it the right way it would help you drive more traffic to your blog. Even I had neglected my FB page.

      There are many things to do for increasing the no. of likes and engaging more people.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice day.


  3. Hi Ravi,

    Facebook pages are a powerful tool for bloggers to use to build their following, not just on Facebook, but also on their blogs.

    You’ve given many ways to do this. Very helpful and greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for all the wonderful tactics we can use to make our FB pages work for us in moving folks over to our blogs and into our businesses.


    1. Hi Donna,

      People who use Facebook as an online tool get more likes. The more updates tend to more likes. They just need to focus on the perfect methods which can help them grow their business.

      The tips shown above can help the people to increase the no. of likes on their Facebook page only if they do it the right way.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a nice day.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Great post!

    You have done amazing job here. All the points you have mentioned, I agree with them

    When we are handling a facebook page, we must behave like professional.

    Whatever comment people do, don’e loose your temper. Provide best solution that they are looking for.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice day!

    – Umesh Singh

    1. Hi Umesh,

      Facebook is an interest yet complicated platform. People think that they can get more likes on their page just by creating it. They should know the real efforts.

      Your readers would comment on the updates and you should always be ready to show your professional skills. Even with your responses.

      Thanks for sharing.

      Have an awesome day.


  5. Hi Ravi, I’ve been having issues tagging other pages lately both via desktop and the mobile pages app. I used to use a + before the name but now that does not work and if I put it as the page appears it doesn’t tag them, any suggestions?

    I’m always afraid to overpost on my Facebook page, how many times per day? I also think it matters how many followers you have too, the less the less posting, the more you have, the more you can post.

    Advertising can help too if you target the right people.

    Thanks for sharing these tips with us and have a great day Ravi.

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Nowadays the + sign doesn’t work on the Facebook when you tag someone. Just try the @ instead of + before the name of the person or the page. The related name would appear and then select the one you want.

      I agree with you about the posting schedule of the updates. If you overdo then it can annoy your readers. Try to know the best timing and limit your updates to 4 or maybe 6 if the followers are more.

      Facebook is quite different from other platforms. Your update won’t appear again and again. Just try to keep the harmony.

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping the input.

      Enjoy the day.


    2. Hi Lisa,

      I had the same problem when tagging people or pages, not only from my Facebook page, but also on my private profile. It works fine if you add an ‘@’ sign and start typing the name. If you don’t find the proper page or person in Facebook’s suggestions, just keep on writing the name without using any space between the words.

      Hope it helps,


      1. Hey Torsten,

        You got it, man. I mistakenly typed # instead of @. Maybe the both are nearby. I am glad that you have pointed it out to Lisa about the correct way. Such type of action is the best one.

        I appreciate it.

        Thanks a lot.


  6. Hi Ravi, Excellent suggestions about how to increase your Facebook page likes. You’re right, we should be paying more attention to this as we can get broader exposure to our websites when we have a lot of likes for our Facebook pages.

    I hadn’t thought about tweeting my Facebook page. That’s a fantastic suggestion. I will have to try that.

    I try to post my articles on my personal Facebook account, then schedule the article to be posted on my Facebook page a few hours later so my friends aren’t bombarded by my posts. I use the scheduler in Facebook to do this instead of a third party scheduler.

    Thanks for these great ideas, Ravi!

    1. Hey Carolyn,

      It’s good to see you here.:)

      Facebook has the better capability to provide the exposure to your posts. Most of the bloggers try their best to share on their Facebook page. It would be great if you Tweet the link on Twitter.

      It’s because your Twitter followers would also come to know about your presence on the Facebook and hopefully they would like your page.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great day.


  7. Hello Ravi,

    I always tell my friend’s, if Facebook collapses, then my blog is also dead. Because more than 99% of my blog’s traffic is from the giant social media. Among your list, 21 is what I use.

    Thanks for for the insights you’ve shared with us. I guess I now really need to take my Facebook page really serious.

    1. Hey Kabie,

      There are millions of people who are dependent on the Facebook. People wake up and go to check their Facebook status and for the bloggers, it’s like a second home to promote their content.

      I am glad that you have got the positive results from this social media platform.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy the day.


  8. Very well written article, You have described every possible way to increase likes of your facebook page.

    Thanks for Sharing this Article Ravi.

  9. Hello Ravi,

    Facebook is great traffic generation platform to blogs and websites. But, I think putting up contents, doing the share for share, like for like and more of the stuff isn’t always the great thing here – though it’s super cool to DO.

    Engagement is one of the key element.

    For example, if a friend gets engaged with a page filled with the Comedy stuff content; don’t you think that friend would one day invite a friend or more of them to join him (and enjoy)? I’m thinking what you think.

    The list here is a great go-to guide to increase Facebook page likes of every individual. Have a great day, Ravi ?

    – Prince.

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