How To Block Spam Comments In WordPress Using Captcha

How To Block Spam Comments In WordPress Using CAPTCHA With Any Plugin ?

As we all know that there are millions of spammer bots are crawling blogs which are easy to harm by their spam comments. For a beginner, it is necessary to know how to block spam comments in WordPress?

The motive for bloggers is to keep their blog free of any kind of error and spams because as we all know when Google spiders crawl any website then it is taken care whether the blog is spam free or not.

If a blog consists many spams then it may tend to fall in the ranking of that particular blog.

Nowadays there are many bots who do spam comments but instead of them, there are many humans too which approach blogs having bad intention in their mind.

How To Block Spam Comments On WordPress Blog ?

When a blogger devote his/her time and hard work just to achieve the goal of ranking his/her blog higher and higher and suddenly it is encountered that the blog is crowded with spam comments on a great extent.

At this kind of situation bloggers only think as if why didn’t they approach for getting a proper idea as how to block spam comments on WordPress blog? Why the blog is getting lower and lower day by day. Is there any way to avoid these spam comments?

Here I am going to tell you about blocking spam comments. There are many plugins to get rid of spammers in the comment section. In today’s era of blogging the famous and easy going plugin named ‘Akismet’ is helping a lot in blocking spam comments on a WordPress blog.

It is free to get which can be added just by opening the WordPress and clicking to plugins->add new->type Akismet and you will find this useful plugin. You may find many related plugins but your have to install the latest version of Akismet. After installing activate it and you are now safe from spam comments nearby.

Another Way For Blocking Spam Comments Using CAPTCHA. The Most Effective Way :

Before using it you must know what is CAPTCHA? It is the computer organized system or program which develop a condition which can be passed only by humans.

It generates an image in which numbers or letters may appear which people have to fill in the filling section below. When any user wants to comment then it is required to write the above-shown number or letters.

There may be different kinds of CAPTCHA as many plugins are available to generate it. Now here we come to advantages and disadvantages in the upcoming section of this post.

  • Advantages Of CAPTCHA :-

The main revealing work of CAPTCHA is blocking of spam comments to a blog which is done very effectively by it. The image which any CAPTCHA plugin shows, it is not possible for the bots to write the numbers or letters shown in the image. Most of the spam comments are done by machine bots and as I have told it is not possible to pass this test by those machine bots and the no. of spam comments will not increase at the blog enabled any CAPTCHA plugin. You can increase your safety by blocking spam comments with the combination of CAPTCHA and Akismet together.

  • Some Disadvantages Of Using CAPTCHA :-

Many bloggers have come to know that there are some disadvantages of using CAPTCHA. As it adds one more step for the visitors who are willing to comment at your blog. By the addition of this extra step, many users get frustrated and avoid to comment at your blog. Many bloggers are complaining about the sign for the comments after enabling CAPTCHA to their blog. And the other point to note about – it can block spam comments done by machine bots but not by humans. There many people who try to do spam comments just to harm your website by submitting links of any unwanted website in your comment section. After doing so it will be noticed by Google crawlers which may result in the decrease in the ranking of your blog.

Some CAPTCHA Plugins Which May Be Useful For Your Blog :

1.CAPTCHA :- It is one of the popular plugins for blocking spam comments. The main feature of this plugin is it uses mathematical approach. There will appear to the blogger about adding, subtraction, multiplication, division or any else. Only humans will able to pass this test conducted by this plugin. It is not possible for the bots to do it correctly.

2.WP RECAPTCHA PLUGIN :- This is the most used plugin. It was developed by Google itself. It keep spammers away by using numeric or letters consisting test. It is most complex and effective. Many famous websites are using this plugin. The main advantage of this plugin is that it provide complex CAPTCHA method to solve. But sometimes it’s hard to read these complex CAPTCHA and users get irritated when it takes more than one attempt.

3.Securimage-WP :- It is also a complicated CAPTCHA generator plugin for blocking spam comments. This plugin doesn’t use Google’s CAPTCHA because it develops its own CAPTCHA. There is another option of audio CAPTCHA is also included in this plugin. This will surely ensure the bloggers to get rid of spam comments at their blog.

Final Words I Would Like To Say For How To Block Spam Comments In WordPress ?

It is such an important step to take to avoid spam comments at your blog. There are many plugins I have mentioned above for blocking spam comments.

For a beginner, the question how to block spam comments on WordPress blog ? matters a lot. It can freak them out as the name appeals spam which means danger. It in necessary to take an effective step for blocking spam comments at their blog. For any further query, it is easy to comment.

It in necessary to take an effective step for blocking spam comments at their blog. For any further query, it is easy to comment.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Akismet is only good for the automated spam bots but it throws a lot of the legitimate commenters in there too. Then you have to literally go through pages upon pages to look for the ones that aren’t spam.

    I hate captcha codes and it’s rare that you’ll find me commenting on a post that has that. The main reason is you have to jump through hoops for them to work. It’s so frustrating when you’ve put the correct code in there and it tells you it’s not right.

    I use CommentLuv Premium and Andy created the Anti Backlink plugin to go with it. I have it set to where unless you have a gravatar you can’t comment. They’ll get a notice telling them until they get that set up they can’t comment on my blog. Even if they do have a gravatar and they are spam, which to be honest with you that hasn’t happened to me yet, I can still blacklist them and email them directly from that comment letting them know why it won’t be approved.

    Since that setting has been in place I haven’t had any spam in over a month now. I’m spoiled rotten.


    1. Hello Adrienne,

      Ya I agree with you that Akismet keep safe from automated spam comments. As you are saying that it includes some genuine comments too in the spam list. It does it only when the visitors use inappropriate e-mails or may be some irrelevant user name. I have encountered with many real comments which were listed in spams but can’t help it.

      Using CommentLuv Premium is really good but you know for beginners it is not possible to afford this premium plugin. So they have to seek for some free plugins. And when it comes to use catcha I have mentioned its disadvantages same as you have. Sometimes people don’t have much time to read and write that captcha stuff and then go for comment. It’s really frustrated. Personally, I don’t recommend that. But for the bloggers who believe that it can be helpful they can go for captcha.


  2. Hello,

    I am using Disqus comment system plugin on my blog. And now I am getting no more spam comments. But for others Akismet plugin is best and officially recommend by WordPress.


    1. Hey Diana,

      It’s great to use Disqus at any blog. I haven’t use it so can’t say anything about it.

      As you have mentioned about Akismet, it’s a good plugin by if we want to increase the security level then we can use CAPTCHA.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Have a great day a head! ?


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