Create Email Account In Cpanel

How To Create An Email Address With Your Own Domain Name Using cPanel?

While running an online business everyone craves to have a professional email address. If you have a running domain name then you can create email account in cPanel. In this tutorial, I will tell you how to create an email address with your own domain name.

You may have noticed that people have an email address followed by the name of their website or the company. Are you curious? Well, even you can have that kind of professional email address if you have a website running on the world wide web. You just have to use the cPanel of your web hosting account.

How To Set Up Email Account in cPanel?

I have noticed that there are many people who are not tech savvy and are afraid to use the cPanel. They have the fear of breaking their website. During the processes of creating an email account, there is nothing related to the files and folders of your website. It will set up outside the root directory of your website on the web hosting you are having.

Do you know how to set up email account in cPanel? There are some easy steps to follow and you will soon have a professional email address. Let me show you the guide:-

Step 1:- You all know that you can’t do anything with the web hosting until you login. So just do the first thing.

Step 2:- Depending upon the web hosting you are using, nowadays an “Email” option is shown on the main page of the most of the web hostings. Just click on that option and a new tab will open for you.

Step 3:- Click on “Add/edit email account“. Now is the time to choose the name for your email address. Fill the name which will be following with your domain name. I have shown with my domain name.

Step 4:- Now is the time to choose the name for your email address. Fill the name which will be following with your domain name. I have shown with my domain name.

Step 5:- It’s always recommended to choose the strong password for an account. Taking the security into the count, generate the password using the password generator or make a strong one yourself.

Along with the password and the email address, you have to fill the quota section. If you are the admin and want to access the unlimited bandwidth then click on “unlimited” and finally click on “create account” option showing under the credential fields.

You have successfully created an email account. Now, you can look professional by using an email address of your own. When you create email account in cPanel, you should know how to use it.

Did You Create Email Account In cPanel With Your Own Domain name?

I have asked by many people as how to create an email address with your own domain. An answer and the guide for them is here. Have you created an email account for your professional journey in the field of blogging? As I have described above, to create email account in cPanel, you won’t need to put more efforts.

While running an online business, it’s a kind of need to have an email address followed by your domain name or the company name. As people say it’s cool. Maybe yes.

Are you still thinking about getting a professional email address? Do you still need to know how to set up email account incPanel? Stop thinking and allow yourself to have an email address which shows your brand name.

Though the process is quite easy. But still, if you face any problem then I am here to help you. You can consult me about the process of creating an email account.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Good to see you are writing small how-to guides for beginners. It’s awesome. Creating an email using cPanel is as easy as clicking but for those who are very new for cPanel, this guide is very helpful.

    Keep up the good work. ?

    1. Hey Atish,

      For beginners, these type of easy tasks may turn out to be the pain in their head. It’s necessary to provide the best and the easiest guide so that they can have the better direction.

      Using the cPanel can be a challenge for many newbies. So, they should come out of the fear. Glad to see you here.

      Have a great day.


    1. Hey Shafi,

      It’s good to know that you found it helpful. You can have an email address of your own domain name. Just a few steps to follow.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy the day.


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