Work Smarter To Become The Best Blogger

18 Powerful Ways Make You Work Smarter To Become The Best Blogger.

Every time you start any business, people tell you to work smarter than harder.

Though both are the faces of the same coin but still smarter work always gets more output. So what are you thinking about?

The world is running so fast that you don’t even have a place to stand in the market. It’s about how you deal with the time.

Many famous people have confronted “smart people always find a better way even in the worst situations”.

Do you work smarter to become the best blogger? What are your blogging strategies?

You will learn the best possible ways to get the leads in this blogging market.

The Things You Should Always Consider For Your Blog.

Before you jump in the blogosphere, there are many things which should be known.

Many blogs are running on the web and yours will be one of them. But the thing is how are you going to bring it at the top?

What are the smarter ways to be best in your blogging niche?

Let me start the list.

#1. Worst Work Should Be Your Playground.

Most of the people give up on the hard projects.

In this life of ups and downs, you should face your worst fears first. Smarter people never hide from the complicated situations.

Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, an influencer, or just a simple person, you should always find a solution for your problem.

Play with the problems and be the player.

#2. Adapt Multi-tasking.

People get confused when they look for multiple things at once.

But the truth is that to be a smart blogger, you should learn how to handle many things together. It’s because blogging isn’t only about writing.

It’s about crafting the content for your readers, the search engine and promote it to the world.

Many things are attached with one.

#3. The Best Domain Name Is Your Goal.

There are many domain name mistakes people make for their blog.

The first smart step towards your blog is finding a professional domain name. You’re going to start a long lasting business which needs a brand name.

Never settle for something everyone does. Be the smart blogger instead of a lame blogger.

#4. Never Skip The Research Part.

If you dream to start your own blog and make money from it then do your research.

In the world wide web, there are many blogs which are your blogging goals. How would you get to those?

For a better blog, you should know about the market, your targeted audience and many other things. Spend some time in understanding how blogging is done.

#5. Never Settle For A Poor Web hosting.

Web hosting plays an important role for your blog.

You won’t like the downtime every month. It affects your blog’s reputation. There are many things to know before you choose any web hosting.

These are the few web hosting which can provide you the best service. Work smarter to become the best blogger.

#6. Are You The Freebies Addict?

You have read it many times that if you want to become a professional blogger, you should go for the self-hosted version of WordPress.

There are some common misconceptions about WordPress which shouldn’t let you stop choosing this CMS.

Do you dependent on the free themes? Well, change your perspective and choose some high-quality themes.

These are a few theme providers you would like to try.

#7. Do The Smart Email marketing.

Setting up your blog isn’t the only thing which can bring the success to you.

You have to work even smarter than before. Focus on building the email list. There are many email marketing strategies which can bring a revolutionary change.

Never be the one who is annoying. Craft your email newsletters people like.

#8. Know Your Social Media Platform.

One of the best ways to work smarter to become the best blogger is selecting the social media platform.

Most of the people make the mistake and try to be the everywhere person.

Well, it’s about making smart decisions. Choose one or two social media platforms to promote your blog.

I have chosen Twitter and LinkedIn as my two platforms where I can spread my content.

#9. Do Some Smart Homework.

Knowing the market with your research isn’t enough.

You should build your blogging strategy to build the rock solid blog. What would be your goals? What would be your approach?

How would you want to get the lead?

You should do some homework before showing your charm in the field.

#10. Focus on The Content Creation.

Every time you start writing, what do you think?

Do you think about the search engine or your readers? Well, both are important. How are you going to manage?

That’s where you have to work smarter to become the best blogger. It’s because your writing skills represent the level of your thoughts.

#11. Get ready For The Future.

You should learn the best ways to handle your upcoming blogging period.

WordPress is an interesting platform and you can show your presence by scheduling the posts even you’re somewhere in the middle of the sea with your loved once.

If you get some new information then you can backdate or schedule the posts.

#12. SEO Isn’t A Rumour, It’s Real.

Maybe many bloggers provide you the best SEO tips and tricks but still, you should learn about it.

Know about the important to getting backlinks, the benefits of social shares, better domain authority and much more.

SEO is the real thing which can boost your blog. Be a smarter blogger and do every legal thing to improve your blog’s SEO nature.

#13. Be A Motivated And Consistent Blogger.

Never underestimate the power of consistency.

It’s the master key to drive traffic to your blog. Whether it’s about your readers or the search engine, everyone likes the blog with the fresh content.

Though the post scheduling is still a debatable topic but still no one denies the fact that regularly updated blogs get better results.

#14. Know The Facebook Marketing Tricks.

No doubt that Facebook is the home of many online businesses.

It’s because people like personal approach and Facebook is the platform for that. You can reach more people through your Facebook profile.

Learn some smart tricks about Facebook marketing.

#15. Patience Is The Key.

Working hard isn’t enough if you don’t have the patience.

To build a better strategy, you include patience in your list to work smarter to become the best blogger.

It’s because most of the bloggers give up within a few months because of no traffic, no money, no success. Well, blogging is a long run career.

It takes years to build your online reputation.

#16. Give Up On Your To-Do List.

Many people think that a to-do list always a smarter idea.

But the truth is that you won’t able to concentrate on your strategies because of your stupid list.

Spread your wings and get new ideas every day. Your to-do list keeps you on the same pace. And a smart blogger changes his/her pace according to the time and the situation.

#17. Originality Is Still A Thing.

Smart work doesn’t mean you try to manipulate others.

You will learn about many things if you read the confessions of a professional blogger.

Every time you write something, it affects your reputation. In this blogosphere, people appreciate those who are really into real things.

Don’t be a fake person who is all about a dream world.

Share something you have experienced.

#18. You Need A Break.

Working so much can reduce your intelligence.

It’s always important to take a small break from the work. Running a blog or business doesn’t mean you are bound to it.

Whether you work smarter to become the best blogger or a successful blogger, you should know the capabilities of your body and the brain.

What Do You Think About Working Smarter And Harder?

As I have mentioned earlier, working smarter doesn’t mean you forget the hard work.

The thing is how smart you are to take your business from zero to one in a million. As the topic name signifies “work smarter to become the best blogger”.

It’s not only about blogging, it’s about every business you run. Whether it’s about an online business of offline, your smartness will show its charm.

Running a successful blog isn’t a piece of cake. You should be smart and consistent.

What do you think about working hard? What are your plans for the future of your blog?

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable content, This is really what I learned something today ?

    I will try my best to follow-up all the points mentioned above ! I am sure it will give a better results than past. Thanks again for sharing this awesome ways.

    Keep sharing and let’s grow together. Best luck !

    ~ Sameer

    1. Hey Sameer,

      You have a long way to go. During your blogging journey, you will see many things which should be handled in the smartest way.

      Glad to know you’re up for these things.

      Have a great day.


  2. Thanks for this excellent and essential list, I’m sure this list will surely make blogger as a smarter blogger. Hard work with smartness only really is a significant factor to achieve the goal. So day by day blogger and niche blogging are increasing in the internet market. So smart worker only can meet the target. Your tips are awesome. Thanks for this essential piece of information and I’m sure if a blogger follows this they will surely succeed in the online market, and they will always be smart and consistent in their work.

    1. Hey Satish,

      Hard work and smart work are the two faces of the same coin. You should understand the concept to let your readers know about the efforts.

      I hope this would work for you and you will adopt the smarter ways.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  3. Hi Ravi

    These are really actionable tips to work smarter and become the best blogger.

    You are right; now the time has gone when freebie used to work well. In this era of competition one needs to get a few premium things as well to ensure quality. Free is after free and does not have much value.

    Many thanks for sharing this very motivational post.

    1. Hey Muba,

      For beginners, free things seem to be their saviors but they don’t know the reason why people are heading towards the premium products.

      It’s the time to embrace your skills and work smarter.

      Thanks for sharing your views.

      Have a great week ahead.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    an informative post indeed. Blogging works well when you learn to play smarter.

    The tips you mentioned would work for sure ?

    Thanks for sharing.

    ~ Ahmad

    P.S. Please do read my latest blog post @ MeetAhmad [dot] com, would love to see your views there ?

  5. Hey Ravi,

    Yes, we should always try to face every problem of our personal life with reliable solution in order to boost confidence level. Blogging really consists many things in itself if we not able to perfect then we cannot achieve success over it so it may be difficult for newbie in initial phase of blogging but it requires multi tasking.

    Blogging start with choosing a perfect domain name according to niche of website because this will rewarding for a blogger in future. Today, several reasons are resposible for a successful blogger and we should try to adopt their positive strategies for our glorious career. Eventually, thanks for sharing your worthy tips with us.

    With best regards,

    Amar kumar

  6. Hey Ravi,

    The multitasking tip hit home.

    For the longest time I would only write short posts, publish it, and share it only on Facebook.

    I didn’t turn my focus on other important factors of content marketing like email, stats, target marketing, etc. As a result my blog stayed stagnant. You definitely have to push yourself over the limit in order to keep progressing!

    Thanks for sharing these tips! This will make a lot of people aware of their shortcomings and what to do about it!

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