

Every time you visit a page where people claim to provide the best of best services. Do you get satisfaction after having a glance?

Well, that’s what we are here for. Nothing would be flaunted or something you can’t believe.

We have only one motto, that’s customer satisfaction. You may try to find out a service provider who can build your website as you would do. But do you trust any of them?

The guarantee of the work is everything. The time is everything. If the service provider crosses the deadline, it’s not going to carry your dream services.

WordPress Theme Development.

I have been blogging and developing the WordPress themes since 2014 and successfully gained attention from many influencers.

During my starting days, I used to struggle to find a perfect theme for my blog. I have changed many themes during these years.

But you know what, a people can be determined when he/she doesn’t want others to face the same problem.

I have the same thoughts.

“Hunger makes you do the struggle for food”

I don’t want anyone to strive for a better WordPress theme. The theme running on this blog is BloggingLove Theme which is free for everyone.

I have helped many beginners who had a dream to build a better blog.

I can help you too. You can hire me to build your blog. If you’re worried about the WordPress theme, just throw it away.

I will develop a custom WordPress theme for your new blog.

  • Mobile-responsive theme
  • Light-weight theme
  • Clean and elegant design
  • Proper white spacing
  • Inbuilt Related Posts ( No Plugin needed)
  • Customize option in Theme customizer
  • Dynamic buttons.

Just like this blog, I can set up an inbuilt newsletter box for you.

You can have a WordPress theme which can be used at any device. Whether you open it from an iPhone or an iPad, it would adjust its layout accordingly.

The theme layout would be fluidic.

WordPress Blog Setup.

Apart from all the development work, you can hire me for the setup of your new blog. If you have already bought a new theme then I can set it up for you.

To start a professional blog, you should choose the self-hosted version of WordPress. For which, a reliable web hosting is required.

These are the two web hostings, I would recommend.

And if you’re starting a bigger website then you would need a managed web hosting.

  • WP Engine is one of the best managed web hosting providers.

I will set up all the necessary plugins for you.

  1. Akismet
  2. Yoast SEO
  3. CommentLuv
  4. Jetpack for
  5. W3 Total Cache
  6. WP Super Cache
  7. WP-Optimize
  8. WP-Edit
  9. Security Plugin
  10. XML plugin

There are many other things which are required to start a blog.

  • I will install Google Analytics on your blog.
  • Create robots.txt file.
  • Guide you for the basic WordPress fixes.

There are many errors in WordPress and you can learn all the solutions from here.

If you’re going to enter in a professional world then never forget to build your email marketing strategy. Buy an email service provider like GetResponse.

Classic Web Design.

Whether you want a new theme or you want to get your old theme redesigned. I am here for you.

If your theme has the option to add the custom theme or not, I can customize it from the original code.

As you know that a better design means a better user experience for your readers. No one likes to visit an unstructured website.

Think about it. Suppose you visit a website and don’t even find the way to reach the homepage, how would you react? Would you want to visit again?

Well, no one would.

I can provide the satisfying design.

There are many important things to consider when you design a website and we take care of everything.

  • No extra markup
  • Attractive Design
  • Direct user experience environment
  • Custom home page
  • Professional images

You just have to let me know about your requirements and the work will be done.

“No fake promises, no money alteration, direct lead”

Freelance Writing.

You will find one freelance writer at every website but do you get the quality content you expect?

Well, this is the problem with everyone. I have myself experienced the betrayal. People deliver the quality content for their start but then drop in the middle.

When you hire someone, you trust that person.

It’s always been challenging to find a trustworthy freelance writer.

“We don’t just write for people, we believe in building human relationships.”

We accept Paypal.

If you have any query about anything else, feel free to contact us.

You can also connect with on the social media platforms.




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