Manually Update WordPress

How To Manually Update WordPress Version Using cPanel?

Do you update WordPress automatically with the single click option or you manually update WordPress version? Most of the time people just click on the update button and get the latest version of WordPress.

But what would you do it you are not able to login to your WordPress admin panel and want to update WordPress? For such situations, you have to update it using the cPanel.

In this post, I am going to walk you through the manually update WordPress procedure which consists a few things to understand.

Manually Update WordPress Version With In No Time.

There are some necessary steps which should be followed. WordPress directory consists a lot of files and folders and you have to take care of all of them.

You shouldn’t rewrite all the files because there are a few files and folders which should be kept as they are now. Let me mention the steps for the update procedure.

Step 1:- First of all, you have to backup your database and your website. In case you want to revert the old version of the WordPress then you can restore WordPress from backup.

Step 2:- Keep your old /wp-content/ folder safe. If you have added some extra codes in the .htaccess file then download it.

Step 3:- Deactivate all the plugins.

Step 4:- Download the latest version of WordPress and extract it on the hard drive of your computer.

Step 5:- If you have added your website in the root directory then delete all the files and folders and look up on a few files and folders. If you have moved WordPress then check it in that particular folder.

  • Don’t delete “wp-content” folder, because all the themes, plugins are stored in this folder. You don’t want to delete WordPress. You are just upgrading it.
  • Delete the “wp-content/plugins/widgets” folder and “wp-content/cache” folder because you don’t want to keep the old cache.
  • If you have added any special rule in the robots.txt file then don’t delete it.
  • As I have mentioned earlier then if you have added any code for GZIP compression, browser caching then you should keep the .htaccess file.
  • If you are using any particular language then don’t delete wp-includes/languages folder.
  • Don’t delete wp-images folder because if you do then you will see the broken image links on your website.

Step 6:- To manually update WordPress, you have to upload all the WordPress files you have downloaded in the 4th step to your root directory. It will overwrite all the old files with new files.

Step 7:- Now try to login to your WordPress admin panel with and if the database upgrade is required then follow the instructions shown on the screen.

Step 8:- You have upgraded the WordPress version but to make it run, you have to set the permalinks.

Step 9:- Update all the plugins and themes and active them. It’s always recommended not to install the old versions of the plugins because most of the time plugins create the problem.

You have successfully upgraded WordPress and now you can enjoy the latest version. You can check your website by logging to the WordPress admin panel.

It everything is right then it means you have the latest version. You can check it from the dashboard only.

Have You Ever tried To Manually Update WordPress ?

Sometimes, you may be in need to use this method because when the login redirect problem occurs then cPanel is the key to manually update WordPress.

As you, all know that all the files and folders of your website are present in the cPanel root directory. You can alter anything using it.

Though I have mentioned all the necessary steps but if you still face any problem then feel free you ask. I will try my best to help you.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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