How To Add Google Plus Badge To Your Website

How To Add Google Plus Badge To Your Website Within One Minute?

You all know that social platforms are the best for your website. You should provide an interface to your audience to interact with you. And you know that Google is one of the best platforms to use for your business. One of our readers asked us how to add Google Plus badge?

I this tutorial I am going to tell you everything you need to know about adding a Google Plus widget to your website. You can add Google Plus badge to your website so that your readers can connect to your Google Plus profile from your website only.

You Can Add Google Plus Badge According To You:

You can see Google Plus badge comes in many shapes. You can check it here. There is a portrait view, landscape view. You can even adjust the width of your Google Plus badge according to the dimensions of your website.

You may have noticed that many bloggers put their Google Plus badge in the footer and others do it at the sidebar. Like adding an image in the sidebar, you can add this badge too. The same type of process will be followed.

Basically, there are many types of badges present. You can use a profile badge, community badge, page badge etc. Depending upon your motto, you should add Google Plus badge to your website.

Let Me Guide You To Your Goal:

Some steps are there to follow by which you can add Google Plus widget to your website easily.

Step 1:- First of all you need to have a Google account so that you can login into your account to get the code for your Google Plus badge. Open Google Plus badge page. You will see some options to fill for creating your own badge. According to your choice, you have to fill those fields.

Step 2:-  The first thing is to choose the profile, page name for which you want the badge. In the next field, you have to fill the URL of the profile or the page. Be sure to fill this field. Google will show the badge of the profile you are going to link.

Step 3:- Now it’s time to choose whether you want a badge or an icon for your website. Here you are trying to create a badge then you should click the radio button of the badge.

Step 4:- You should choose the layout of your badge. You can select from portrait and landscape view. If you want to show in the least area then I suggest using landscape option.

Step 5:- Now is the selection of the width of your Google Plus widget. After that color of the badge should be selected. You can use the light color or the dark color.

Depending upon the colors of your website, you should choose it. In most of the cases, people use the light color. But, it’s the matter of choice. Select the color you like. Google will show the preview when you select the dark color.

Step 6:- Now you have to copy the code show to you. While copying the code, you should keep one thing in your mind that don’t need to copy the comments written in the code like this “<!- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag. ->” Just copy the script and div codes.

Step 7:- Login into your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance>>Widgets. Depending upon your choice you have to add a text field in the sidebar or the footer. It’s your choice to choose the place where you want to add Google Plus badge.

Step 8:- Paste the code you have copied from the Google Plus badge generation page. After saving the box, you can see that your Google Plus badge has added to your website.

You Have Just Added The Google Plus Widget To Your Website:

You have successfully added your Google Plus badge to the website. Do you want to to add the profile badge or the page badge? Which badge will you prefer to show at your website? Are you going to create it for any community?

There are many websites with different kinds of nature. Depending upon their motive to build their brand they decide to add Google Plus badge. You should do the same. If you face any problem then I am here.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi

    That’s a very clear explanation of adding a Google+ badge to your site.

    I have to confess I don’t have one on there – I got in rather a mess with Google profiles because I had different gmail accepts and somehow ended up with more than one profile.

    Sorting out the tangle is somewhere on my long “to-do” list, but you’re right – it’s an extremely important platform.


    1. Hey Joy,

      There is nothing to get confused about. You just have to put the URL of the profile you want to show at your website. I know due to different businesses we have to create more than one profile, but the point is simple here.

      Provide a better platform for your readers to connect with you through your website only. Adding a Google badge will be great. Your audience can find you on Google plus within one second. Just one click and you will be in the circle.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    I heard so much buzz about this and never knew exactly how to do it nor why to. But of course, you made it so easy to do and I appreciate it my friend.

    I just may give it a whirl!


    1. Hey Donna,

      You know that Google+ is one of the leading platforms to use and you can get more followers if you show the direct follow badge on your website.

      Google provides the code and you can add it in the widgets to show it.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy the day.


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