Create A Product Review Website Using WordPress

How to Create a Product Review Website Using WordPress

Create a Product Review Website using WordPress

In this era of web development, everything is possible with the WordPress CMS. Just a few days ago, someone asked if it’s possible to create a product review website using WordPress.

Well, if you know how to start a WordPress blog, you can make an amazing website of any kind. You can also start your online store within a few minutes.

But here, we’re talking about a website where you can provide the biased reviews about the products.

It’s another way to build a lucrative business. It’s just you have to understand the concept of a review website and the niche you choose should be different.

This is an article to guide you the perfect method to create a product review website using WordPress.

What is a Niche Review Website

You may have heard about TripAdvisor where you can read and write the reviews about any hotel or place.

Well, you can’t even imagine the total revenue they have per year. It’s not just TripAdvisor, there are many different kinds of review websites.

It’s a website you can share your personal experience or allow others to share theirs.

There are a few things you should learn.

  • Driving traffic to your website
  • Attractive advertisers
  • Low competitive niche
  • Affiliate marketing

Yes, finding the right keyword is important. It’s always said that before you even write a blog post, you should do some keyword research.

Well, if you want to build a business, you should target a niche which isn’t so popular.

How to Start Making Your Website

There are many things you should know before starting a new WordPress website. We’re talking about the self-hosted WordPress version.

You require a few things.

  • A Domain Name
  • A Web Hosting
  • A WordPress Theme
  • A Review Plugin

Most of the web hosting companies are providing a one-year free domain name. Though it’s always recommended to keep your domain name separate still the choice is yours.

You can buy your web hosting from InmotionHosting or Bluehost.

There are many other companies but we use these that’s why we recommend these two companies. You can also contact us for getting more discount.

And if you already have one then you should know the signs to change your web hosting.

#1. Finding a Proper WordPress Theme

If you want to use any free theme then just search the WordPress theme repository. There are thousands of theme available.

But if you want something better then you can go with a premium theme or hire a web designer to do it for you. Contact us for that.

There a few things you should check.

  • Active Installs
  • Check the demo
  • See if the design is what you’re looking for

And it’s not necessary to find a specific theme just for a review website. You can use a review plugin which works with every WordPress theme.

#2. Finding a Review Plugin

Just install and activate WP Product Review plugin.

After that, you will notice a new option in the main WordPress dashboard menu. Click on the product review and the plugin’s setting page will appear to you.

Product Review

Here, you can configure this plugin according to your needs. You can choose if you want to show the review comment or not.

The preview of the review box can also be managed. You can also check how the total rating given by the visitors can be influenced.

There are many tabs available. You can also adjust the Rating Colors. By default, the plugin will show its own colors. But if you want to change according to the design of your theme, you can.

Once you pass through all the tabs, save all the settings for each tab separately.

How to Add a Review Product in WordPress

You just have to start writing your new blog post. Go to Posts>>Add New and if you scroll down, you will see a box with the heading “Product Review Extra Settings”.

Product review website

If you choose the “Yes” radio button, many settings will appear to you.

You can add the product name, attach an image, add an affiliate link if any. You can also choose the text for your affiliate link.

You can create a product review website using WordPress much better if you buy the pro version of this plugin. You would be able to add the pros and cons along with the grades.

create a product review website

Though you can still add the grades still, that would be overall grades.

Once you finish adding all the details, you can check the preview. It’s just like a blog post. You can control it from your post editor.

Publish the post and it will be visible to everyone.

review website on WordPress

You can also add the product review to the sidebar of your website. Just go to Appearance>>Widgets and you can easily find the review widget created by the plugin.

I Hope You Can Easily Create a Product Review Website Using WordPress

After going through this article, you may have come to know about this simple process. The most important thing is to do the proper plugin settings.

I have used the default settings but you can change the colors. You can also manage to match it with the rest of your website.

Not everyone likes green. Choosing a web hosting is the most important aspect to think about. It should be reliable, affordable with the money back guarantee.

If you follow this guide, you can create a product review website using WordPress within no time. If you still face any problem, feel free to ask.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    I used to do product review sites all the time in the past. They are a great way to make some good money and having the right plugins can make the job easier.

    I don’t remember which plugin I was using in the past, but it was a good one. I’ve never heard of the WordPress Produce Review plugin but it looks pretty cool.

    This would definitely be a great plugin for anyone who loves working on Amazon niche sites.

    Thanks for taking the time to share this with us. Have a great day ?


    1. Hi Susan,

      Creating a product review website has become so easy these days. Along with many WordPress plugins, you can find a specific review theme. Many people are starting to make an Amazon niche website.

      Glad you have tried it.


  2. Hi Ravi!

    This is awesome! Thanks for putting this together. Whoever is ready to start a product review blog needs to use your post as a guide to get it set up properly!

    I didn’t realize there were product review plugins available – I learned something new today. ?

    Great post as always Ravi! Passing this along for sure!


    1. Hey Cori,

      WordPress is scalable and you can build every kind of website. Building a review website takes a few minutes. Though the design may vary depending on the choice you have.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great week ahead.


  3. Hello Ravi,

    Good one over here ?

    Having a product review web site on our back would be a great thing which one can add up. People will gain more trust

    and they can also watch the reviews of our products, which will make them to go for our products.

    There are heck lot of things on the Internet, one can get almost everything they wish for, but people do like to watch the

    reviews and then go for getting the products they want.

    Adding a review plugin web site in our wordpress accounts looks easy and the screen shots you provided up here are helping

    it out.

    I am going to get that for my web site.

    Thanks for the share.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Wonderful ideas on how to construct a review site.

    It seems like plugins can do just about everything in WordPress.

    And now we see a review site plugin that puts things all together for you so quickly and easily.

    I’ve never had a review site, per se, but I have done some product reviews.

    This would probably be a great plugin to have on my blog… just for those times when I do those kinds of things.

    I love the way you developed this article, Ravi.

    I will certainly share it with my students who are interested in doing mainly product reviews.


  5. Great stuff Ravi. Super foundation for building a rocking review site. I have definitely toyed with the idea of doing more reviews on my blog. Fab way to drive sales of course but more than that, you can introduce your readers to helpful products and services.


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