Change Read More Button Text

How To Change Read More Button Text In WordPress Theme?

It’s not a new thing to notice a read more button with every blog post on the blog page. What would you do to change read more button text?

At most of the WordPress sites, you may see the default text “read more”. But there are a few more websites which have the customized read more button text.

Do you want to change read more button text for your website? In this post, I will provide you an idea about the read more button and its text.

Change Read More Button By Editing The Theme Files.

With every blog post, you may notice the thumbnail, an excerpt with the read more button. You can even set excerpt length.

To show the excerpt instead of the full content, you can use the WordPress excerpt function.


This will show the excerpt. Though there is another function which can be used for the advance features. But for now, just focus on this.

Edit the index.php file of your WordPress theme.

To change read more button text, you have to edit your theme files. If you know the WordPress theme file structure then you would be aware that the blog page output is controlled by the index.php file.

You can make post title a link, a thumbnail as a link etc. But here, the customization of the read more button should be done.

Whether you can edit the theme file from appearance>>editor>>index.php or you can go to the cPanel and then edit the theme file.

You would find a code similar to the code shown below.


<?php echo get_the_excerpt(); ?>

<a href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>” ><span>Read More<span></a>


In this code, you can easily notice the text “Read More”. Just customize it with simple text. You can replace it with “continue reading“, “view full post“, or anything you want.

This is just an example of the code. In your WordPress theme, it may be different.

NOTE:- You just have to search for the excerpt code and you can easily notice the read more text.

Can You Now Change Read More Button text WordPress?

While developing a WordPress theme, the developers try to provide the best they can. But we all have our own perspective.

So if you don’t like the read more text of your theme, just customize it by following the method mentioned above. I am sure, you won’t ask the question “how to change read more button text” again.

If you have a little bit of knowledge of web design then you can change its appearance and the position. Well, it would be done later. For now, if you face any problem while customizing the text, feel free to ask.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hey Ravi,

    Generally, from my opinion uses of the Read More are used in conjunction with the WordPress excerpt function which displays a set amount words or characters. By default some themes will come optimized already to display an excerpt rather than the full text setting. Adding enhancements such as the WordPress read more tag helps our users to more easily navigate our blog. Keeping information organized and summarized where applicable will help our blog be more legible than ever before. Using the excerpt functionality built in to WordPress is a great way to make our content more digestible. Eventually, thanks for exploring this wonderful topic with us.

    With best regards,

    Amar kumar

    1. Hi Amar,

      Adding the reading more button enhances the chances readability. You should always provide the best user experience so that your readers can handle the content easily.

      But here I am talking about customizing the text of the read more button. Instead of “read more”, you can change it to anything else.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy the day.


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